Part 3 (1/2)

”Don't be such a cry baby.” He laughed but dimmed the lights anyways.

”Sure, this coming from someone who hates sunlight.”

He shrugged before grabbing a broom and dust pan to finish with the smaller pieces. I watched his body as he moved, each muscle flexing with ease as he bent down to clean up my mess.

”I'm sorry I broke your bowl.”

”It's just a bowl.”

Once he was done he pulled out another bowl from the cupboard and placed it in my hands.

”Careful with this one b.u.t.terfingers.”

I mocked being offended and smacked him in the chest.

”Don't make fun of me, Jerk.”

He gave me a devilish smile that set my whole body on fire.

”Oh kinky, do it again.”

Oh my G.o.d. My jaw dropped. Was he always like this? Glaring at him I hit him again only this time it was harder.

”Easy there killer.” He said while rubbing his chest, acting like he was wounded. ”You might hurt yourself.”

I wanted to punch him but with my luck I would end up hurting myself instead of him. He laughed and held his hands up in a surrendering motion. Something about him was different. He was actually relaxed and somewhat fun to be around.

”Hey Tobias, can I ask you a question?” I avoided looking at him when I asked. I didn't want to watch the easy going man from a minute ago slip away to the guarded hard a.s.s he usually is.

”You just did.”

”That doesn't count. I mean a real question.”

I risked a glance at him and thankfully his playful side hadn't disappeared.

”Sure, you can ask me anything your little heart desires cupcake. But that doesn't mean I'm going to answer it.”

Fair enough.

”What did you mean earlier when you were talking about 'the curse'?”

Silence. That was all I got from him. There was an instant tension in the room and it made me a little uncomfortable. My back was towards him but I could feel his eyes on me. I don't know why but knowing he was behind me, watching me, made my heart race.

”Tobias?” I turned around to get some kind of answer out of him but he was gone.

The room suddenly felt empty. I was alone and Tobias had taken off to G.o.d only knows where. I sighed and looked back at the empty bowl in my hands. Suddenly I wasn't very hungry anymore. I put the bowl back into the cupboard and turned off the lights.

I would make Tobias talk to me one way or another; but, that would have to wait for another day. I needed to try and get some sleep. My body and mind were both worn out and every time I'm around Tobias my body feels like it was jump started with an electric shock. It was exhausting.

A week later I woke up to the smell of bacon. That was weird. Usually I'm the one doing the cooking. Tristan can't cook to save his life and Amelia never wakes up before noon. I grabbed a hair tie from my side table and tied my hair up in a messy bun before leaving the room and heading downstairs. The boys were nice enough to pick up my stuff from the hotel I was staying at. Security must suck in this town if some random guy can just walk into a hotel and ask to be let into someone else's room to get their things.

I found Tobias in the kitchen wearing an ap.r.o.n that says 'Kiss me I'm s.e.xy' and cutting up some fruit while listening to Bon Jovi. I stood in the doorway watching in amus.e.m.e.nt as he danced on the spot while singing along.

I crossed the room and took a seat on the opposite side of the island. I leaned on the counter top and smiled at him.

”You seem rather cheery this morning.” I said as I stole one of the grapes he had already plucked and put in a bowl.

”Bon Jovi. He always puts me in a good mood.”

”Then maybe we should play his music more often. I like this side of you. It's less dark and brooding.”

”I like being dark and brooding.”

”And that is why you don't have any friends.”

He c.o.c.ked an eyebrow and looked at me.

”Who said I don't have any friends?”

”I do. You don't have any friends.” Tristan came into the room in nothing but a pair of shorts. How did I not notice his tattoos last week when he pulled off his hulk moment and ripped his s.h.i.+rt? Oh right, I was too busy eye f.u.c.king Tobias from across the yard to notice Tristan.

He had a claw mark tattoo that extended from his shoulder all the way across his chest reaching the top of his abdomen. It was huge, and looked amazing on his body. He even had a trail of stars that lead from his hip to his crotch. No wonder Amelia jumped his bones every night. The guy was hot.

”I do too have friends. They just have enough sense to not want to come anywhere near you.” Tobias's voice brought me back to reality.

Tristan and Tobias picked on each other a lot, but they seemed really close. It was amazing how well they got along considering Tristan was banging his brother's ex-wife.

”So twinkle toes, why are you cooking? You never cook.” Tristan reached for the bowl of grapes in front of Tobias only to have his hand smacked by the flat side of a knife.

Tristan didn't even so much as flinch or care that his brother could have just cut him. It wasn't even a soft tap either. If the knife had been turned even slightly Tristan would have needed st.i.tches.

”It's cupcakes birthday.”

What the f.u.c.k? How did he even know that? I didn't even know that. I had completely managed to lose track of time.

”Well d.a.m.n, Happy Birthday blueberry!”

Tristan's large arms wrapped around me from behind and pulled me into a bear hug that was way too tight. If he held me any longer I'd have probably pa.s.sed out from a lack of oxygen.

”Paws off mutt!” Tobias practically growled the words at his brother.

”Wait. How did you even know it was my birthday today?”

”I have my ways.”

”Care to elaborate?”