Part 68 (1/2)
BOBBY (coming closer). Are you?
JANE. Am I what?
BOBBY. Quite sure.
JANE. I should have thought it was pretty obvious seeing that I've just refused you.
BOBBY. Have you?
JANE. Have I what?
BOBBY. Refused me.
JANE. I thought I had.
BOBBY. And would you be glad if I went away and never saw you again?
(She hesitates) Honest, Jane. Would you?
JANE (awkwardly). Well, of course, I _like_ you, Bobby. I always have.
BOBBY. But you feel that you would like me better if I were somebody else's husband?
JANE (indignantly). Oh, I _never_ said that.
BOBBY. Dash it, you've been saying it all this afternoon.
JANE (weakly). Bobby, don't; I can't argue with you. But really, dear, I can't say now that I will marry you. Oh, you _must_ understand. Oh, _think_ what Sandy----
BOBBY. We won't tell Sandy.
JANE (surprised). But she's bound to know.
BOBBY. We won't tell anybody.
JANE (eagerly). Bobby!
BOBBY (nodding). Just you and me. n.o.body else for a long time. A little private secret.
JANE. Bobby!
BOBBY (coming to her). Is it a bargain, Jane? Because if it's a bargain----
JANE (going away from him). No, no, Bobby. Not now. I must go upstairs and tidy myself--no, I mustn't, I must wait for Melisande--no, Bobby, don't. Not yet. I mean it, really. Do go, dear, anybody might come in.
(BOBBY, who has been following her round the hall, as she retreats nervously, stops and nods to her.)
BOBBY. All right, darling, I'll go.
JANE. You mustn't say ”darling.” You might say it accidentally in front of them all.