Part 47 (1/2)

”What is there to be afraid of?” he cried pa.s.sionately. ”We ought to be savagely angry, and ready to feel that we could half kill that cowardly hound for forsaking us like this. I know what you feel, Joe; that we must hurry back as fast as we can to the foot of the shaft, and shout to them to haul us out.”

”But do you really think Tom Dina.s.s has sneaked away?”

”I'm sure he has, out of spite because he was forced to come; and when we got back he would be one of the first to grin and sneer at us. I want to run back as fast as I can, but you'll stand by me, won't you?”

”Of course I will.”

”I know that, old chap. Well, what did we come for?”

”You know; to try and find them.”

”Yes, and I'm getting better now. I couldn't help feeling scared.

We're alone here, but we won't give up. We've got to find them somehow, and we will. I sha'n't turn back, for mother's sake. How could I go and tell her I came down to try and find them, and was afraid to go on in the dark!”

”Do you mean it?” said Joe, whose face was of a ghastly white.

”Yes; and you won't turn like you did on the ladder?”


”There was something to be afraid of then, but there isn't now.”

”No,” said Joe, with a gasp.

”We've got a light and can avoid any pit-holes; the water has all been pumped out, and there are only the pools we pa.s.sed here and there.

Nothing can hurt us here, for the roof won't fall; it's too strong, cut all through the rock as it is.”

”Yes, but if we go on and lose ourselves as they have done--”

”Well, we must find our way again; and if we can't we must wait till somebody comes.”

”Here! Alone?”

”We sha'n't be alone, because we're together.”

”But do you think anyone would come?”

”Do you think all those men would stop hanging about the mouth, knowing we're lost, and not come and help us? I don't.”

”No. Englishmen wouldn't do that,” said Joe, slowly. ”Let's go on.

I'm not so scared now, but it is very horrible and lonely. Suppose the light went out.”

”Well, we'd strike a match, and start another candle.”

”Ah, you've got some matches then?”

”Yes; a whole box. No, I haven't; not one.”