Part 41 (2/2)
”Well, don't let anybody talk about such things,” said Gwyn, who spoke as if he had been running hard. ”Nearly down now, aren't they?”
”About half, sir,” said the engineer.
”Oh, I don't want to talk,” said Dina.s.s; ”only one can't help thinking it's queer work for two gents to do. It's a job for chaps like me.
Howsoever, I hope they won't come to no harm.”
Grip growled at something, as if, in fact, he were resenting the man's words, but it might have only been that he was being troubled by the flea which he had several times that morning tried to scratch out of his thick coat.
”You'd better not let them come to harm. I say, mind they don't come down bang at the bottom,” said Gwyn, after what seemed to be a long time.
”He'll see to that, sir,” said the man, nodding his head in the direction of the engineer.
”Yes, young gentlemen, that's all right. I've got the depth to an inch, and they'll come down as if on to a spring.”
”I say, how deep it seems,” said Joe, who also was rather breathless.
”Deep, sir!” said Dina.s.s, with a laugh; ”you don't call this deep? Why, it's nothing to some of the pits out Saint Just way--is it, mate?”
”Nothing at all,” said the engineer. ”This is a baby.”
”Rather an old baby,” said Gwyn, smiling. ”Why, this must be the oldest mine in Cornwall.”
”Dessay it is, sir,” said the man; and he checked the wheel as he spoke, just as an empty skep of the same size as that which had descended made its appearance and came to a standstill.
”Right!” came up from below, in a hollow whisper, and Gwyn drew a deep breath.
”You two ought to have gone with 'em,” said Dina.s.s, ”and had a look round.”
”Oh, don't bother,” cried Gwyn, petulantly. ”I suppose we shall have our turn.”
”No offence meant, sir,” said the man. ”Better let me go down with you.
Dessay I can show you a lot about the mine.”
”I suppose it will be all one long pa.s.sage from the bottom,” said Joe.
”Not it, sir,” said Dina.s.s, holding out his bare arm, and spreading his fingers. ”It'll go like that. Lode runs along for a bit like my wrist, and then spreads out like my fingers here, or more like the root of a tree, and they pick along there to get the stuff where it runs richest.
But you'll see. We don't know yet; but, judging from the water pumped out, this mine must wander a very long way. There's no knowing how far.”
”I say, how long will they stop down?” said Joe.
”Oh, I don't know,” replied Gwyn. ”Hours, I daresay.”
”Plenty of time for you young gents to take a boat and have half-a-day with the ba.s.s. There's been lots jumping out of the water against Ydoll Point. I should say they'd be well on the feed.”
”That's likely!” said Gwyn. ”You don't suppose we shall leave here till they come up?”