Part 10 (1/2)
The lead wires are brought out through the clothing in a convenient position.
The stethoscope is attached as nearly as possible over the apex beat of the heart by means of a light harness of canvas. In the use of the Bowles stethoscope, it has been found that the heart-beats can easily be counted if there is but one layer of clothing between the stethoscope and the skin. Usually it is placed directly upon the unders.h.i.+rt of the subject.
The pneumograph is placed about the body midway between the nipple and the umbilicus and sufficient traction is put upon the chain or strap which holds it in place to secure a good and clear movement of the tambour for each respiration.
The subject is then ready to enter the chamber and, after climbing the stepladder, he descends into the opening of the chair calorimeter, sits in the chair, and is then ready to take care of the material to be handed in to him and adjust himself and his apparatus for the experiment. Usually several bottles of drinking-water are deposited in the calorimeter in a convenient position, as well as some urine bottles, reading matter, clinical thermometer, note-book, etc. Before the cover is finally put in place, the pneumograph is tested, stethoscope connections are tested to see if the pulse can be heard, the rectal thermometer connections are tested, and the telephone, call-bell, and electric light are all put in good working order. When the subject has been weighed in the chair, the balance is tested to see that it swings freely and has the maximum sensibility. All the adjustments are so made that only the minimum exertion will be necessary on the part of the subject after the experiment has once began.
The cover is put in place and wax is well crowded in between it and the rim of the opening. The wax is preferably prepared in long rolls about the size of a lead-pencil and 25 to 30 centimeters long. This is crowded into place, a flat knife being used if necessary. An ordinary soldering-iron, which has previously been moderately heated in a gas flame, is then used to melt the wax into place. This process must be carried out with the utmost care and caution, as the slightest pinhole through the wax will vitiate the results. The sealing is examined carefully with an electric light and preferably by two persons independently. After the sealing is a.s.sured, the plugs connecting the thermal junctions and heating wires of the cover with those of the remainder of the chamber are connected, the water-pipe is put in place, and the unions well screwed together. After seeing that the electrical connections can not in any way become short-circuited on either the metal chamber or metal pipes, the asbestos cover is put in place.
Some time before the man enters the chamber, an electric lamp of from 16 to 24 candle-power (depending upon the size of the subject) is placed inside of the chamber as a subst.i.tute for the man, and the cooling water-current is started and the whole apparatus is adjusted to bring away the heat prior to the entrance of the man. The rate of flow with the chair calorimeter is not far from 350 cubic centimeters per minute with a resting man. The proper mixture of cold and warm water is made, so that the electric reheater can be controlled readily by the resistance in series with it. Care is taken not to allow the water to enter the chamber below the dew-point and thus avoid the condensation of moisture on the absorbers. The thermal junctions indicate the temperature differences in the walls and the different sections are heated or cooled as is necessary until the whole system is brought as near thermal equilibrium as possible.
After the man enters, the lamp is removed and the water-current is so varied, if necessary, and the heating and cooling of the various parts so adjusted as to again secure temperature equilibrium of all parts.
When the amount of heat brought away by the water-current exactly compensates that generated by the subject, when the thermal-junction elements in the walls indicate a 0 or very small deflection, when the resistance thermometers indicate a constant temperature of the air inside the chamber and the walls of the chamber, the experiment proper is ready to begin.
The physical observer keeps the chemical a.s.sistant thoroughly informed as to the probable time for the beginning of the experiment, so that there will be ample time for making the residual a.n.a.lyses of the air.
After these a.n.a.lyses have been made and the experiment is about to begin, the observer at the table calls the time on the exact minute, at which time the blower is stopped and the purifying system changed. The physical observer takes the temperatures of the wall and air by the electric-resistance thermometers, reads the mercury thermometers, records the rectal thermometer, and at the exact moment of beginning the experiment the current of water which has previously been running into the drain is deflected into the water-meter. At the end of the period this routine is varied only in that the water-current is deflected from the water-meter into a small can holding about 4 liters, into which the water flows while the meter is being weighed.
The rate of flow of water through the apparatus is determined before the experiment begins. This is done by deflecting the water for a certain number of seconds into a graduate or by deflecting it into the small can and weighing the water thus collected. The water is then directed into the drain during the preliminary period. Meanwhile the main valve at the bottom of the water-meter is opened, such water as has acc.u.mulated from tests in preceding experiments is allowed to run out, and the valve is closed after the can is empty. The meter is then carefully balanced on the scales and the weight is recorded. At the beginning of the experiment the water is deflected from the drain into the meter. At the end of the period, while the water is running into the small can, the water-meter is again carefully weighed and the weight recorded. Having recorded the weight, the water is again deflected into the large meter and what has acc.u.mulated in the small can is carefully poured into the large meter through a funnel. If the meter is nearly full, so that during the next period water will acc.u.mulate and overflow the meter, it is emptied immediately after weighing and while the small can is filling up. About 4 minutes is required to empty the can completely.
After it is emptied, it is again weighed, the water-current deflected from the small can to the meter, and the water which has acc.u.mulated in the small can carefully poured into the meter. All weights on the water-meter, both of the empty can and the can at the end of each period, are checked by two observers.
Shortly after the subject has entered the chamber and in many instances before the sealing-in process has begun, the ventilating air-current is started by starting the blower. The air through one set of purifiers during this preliminary period, and as no measurements are made for this period it is not necessary that the weights of the absorbers be previously known.
All precautions are taken, however, so far as securing tightness in coupling and installing them on the absorber system are concerned.
During this period the other set of absorbers is carefully weighed and made ready to be put in place and tested and about 10 minutes before the experiment proper begins the residual a.n.a.lyses are begun. The series of U-tubes, which have previously been carefully weighed, are placed on small inclined racks and are connected with the meter and also with the tube leading to the mercury valve. The pet-c.o.c.k which connects the return air-pipe with the drying-tower and the gas-meter is then opened and the mercury reservoir is lowered. The rate of flow of air through the U-tubes is regulated by a screw pinch-c.o.c.k on the rubber tube leading to the first U-tube. This rate is so adjusted by means of the pinch-c.o.c.k that about 3 liters of air per minute will flow through the U-tubes, and as the pointer on the gas-meter approaches 10 liters the mercury reservoir is raised at just such a point, gained by experience, as will shut off the air-current when the total volume registers 10 liters on the meter. The pet-c.o.c.k in the pipe behind the meter is then closed, the U-tubes disconnected, and a new set put in place. A duplicate and sometimes a triplicate a.n.a.lysis is made.
When the physical observer calls the time for the end of the period, the switch which controls the motor is opened and the chemical a.s.sistant then opens the rear valve of the new set of absorbers and closes the rear valve of the old set, and likewise opens the front valve of the new set and closes the front valve of the old set. As soon as the signal is given that the oxygen connections have been properly made and that the oxygen has been admitted to the chamber in proper amount, the blower is again started. It is then necessary to weigh the U-tubes and disconnect the old set of absorbers and weigh them. If the sulphuric-acid absorbers have not exceeded the limit of gain in weight they are used again; if they have, new ones are put in their place.
The first sulphuric-acid absorber is connected to the front valve, then the potash-lime can, and then the last sulphuric-acid absorber; but before connecting the last sulphuric-acid absorber with the sodium-bicarbonate can, a test is made of the whole system from the front valve to the end of the second sulphuric-acid absorber. This is made by putting a solid-rubber stopper in the exit end of the second sulphuric-acid absorber and, by means of a bicycle pump, forcing compressed air in through a pipe tapped into the pipe from the valve at the front end until a pressure of about 2 feet of water is developed in this part of the system. This scheme for testing and the method of connecting the extra pipe have been discussed in detail in an earlier publication.[32] Repeated tests have shown that this method of testing the apparatus for tightness is very successful, as the minutest leak is quickly shown.
After the system has been thoroughly tested, the rubber stopper in the exit end of the second sulphuric-acid absorber is first removed, then the tube connected with the pump and manometer is disconnected and its end placed in the reservoir of mercury. Occasionally, through oversight, the pressure is released at the testing-tube with the result that the air compressed in the system expands, forcing sulphuric acid into the valves and down into the blower, thus spoiling completely the experiment. After the testing, the last sulphuric-acid absorber is coupled to the sodium-bicarbonate can. It is seen that this last connection is the only one not tested, and it has been found that care must be taken to use only the best gaskets at this point, as frequently leaks occur; in fact, it is our custom to moisten this connection with soapsuds. If new rubber gaskets are used a leak is never found.
To maintain the apparent volume of air through the whole system constant, oxygen is admitted into the tension-equalizer until the same tension is exerted on this part of the system at the end as at the beginning. This is done by closing the valve connecting the tension-equalizer with the system and admitting oxygen to the tension-equalizer until the petroleum manometer shows a definite tension. After the motor is stopped, at the end of the experimental period, there is a small amount of air compressed in the blower which almost instantly leaks back through the blower and the whole system comes under atmospheric pressure, save that portion which is sealed off between the two levels of the sulphuric acid in the two absorbing vessels. A few seconds after the motor is stopped the valve cutting off the tension-equalizer from the rest of the system is closed, the pet-c.o.c.k connecting this with the petroleum manometer is opened, and oxygen is admitted by short-circuiting the electrical connections at the two mercury cups. This is done by the hands of the observer and must be performed very gently and carefully, as otherwise oxygen will rush in so rapidly as to cause excessive tension. As the bag fills with gas, the index on the petroleum manometer moves along the arc of a circle and gradually reaches the desired point. At this point, the supply of oxygen is cut off, the valve connecting the tension-equalizer with the main system is opened, and simultaneously the needle-valve on the reduction-valve of the oxygen cylinder is tightly closed, preliminary to weighing the cylinder. At this point the motor can be started and the experiment continued.
It is necessary, then, that the oxygen cylinder be weighed. This is done after first closing the pet-c.o.c.k on the end of the pipe conducting the gas beneath the floor of the calorimeter room, slipping the gla.s.s joint in the rubber pipe leading from the reduction valve to the pet-c.o.c.k, and breaking the connections between the two rubber pipes, the one from the pet-c.o.c.k and the other to the reduction valve, also breaking the electrical connection leading to the magnet on the cylinder. The cylinder is then ready to swing freely without any connections to either oxygen pipe or electrical wires. It is then weighed, the loss in weight being noted by removing the bra.s.s weights on the shelf attached to the counterpoise. It is important to see that there is a sufficient number of bra.s.s weights always on the shelf to allow for a maximum loss of weight of oxygen from the cylinder during a given period. Since the cylinders contain not far from 4 to 5 kilograms of oxygen, in balancing the cylinders at the start it is customary to place at least 4 kilograms of bra.s.s weights on the shelf and then adjust the counterpoise so as to allow for the gradual removal of these weights as the oxygen is withdrawn.
As soon after the beginning of the period as possible, the U-tubes are weighed on the a.n.a.lytical balance, and if they have not gained too much they are connected ready for the next a.n.a.lysis. If they have already absorbed too much water or carbon dioxide, they are replaced by freshly filled tubes.
Immediately at the end of the experimental period the barometer is carefully set and read, and the reading is verified by another a.s.sistant. Throughout the whole experiment an a.s.sistant counts the pulse of the subject frequently, by means of the stethoscope, and records the respiration rate by noting the lesser fluctuations of the tambour pointer on the smoked paper. These observations are recorded every few minutes in a book kept especially for this purpose.