The Son Of Monte Cristo Part 90 (1/2)
She even fancied that she saw her mother
Esperance beheld all this He rushed forward, only to be stopped by iron bars
This terrible scene had been ed to Danglars, and had been the scene of h which Esperance looked was not more than thirty feet from Jane He called, but she could not hear hihts returned in a few minutes, and Jane was seen alone
”Jane! Jane!” cried Esperance Suddenly a door opened Esperance saw an old man enter the room He went up to Jane with a hideous sy
Of all the crimes that Benedetto had coht the iron bars and shook theth that one of theh thelass still between hilass he broke with his clenched hands, and Esperance sprang at the throat of Danglars and threw hi Jane in his arms, he cried:
”Jane! my beloved--do you not hear me? I am Monte-Cristo”
”Monte-Cristo!” repeated a hoarse voice
Esperance half turned
Danglars had staggered up fro at Esperance with eyes fairly starting froash on his cheek froh which he had passed, Esperance bore a striking resemblance to his father He looked as Dantes looked the day his infalars was appalled
”Edh above his head, and wildly clutching the air for support Then he fell forward on his face in an attack of apoplexy
Esperance laid Jane again on the sofa, and ran to his assistance He lifted him from the floor The banker was dead
Esperance was as if stunned The strange events, co one after the other, affected his reason He believed hih and turned back to Jane, who seehed her down The effect of the narcotic was probably passing off She raised her hands and pressed the else, and falling at Jane's feet he cried, in an agony of entreaty
”Oh! Jane, awake! I must take you froirl's eyes moved
”Who speaks my name?” she whispered
”It is I--I, who loves--Esperance!”
Jane opened her eyes quickly
”Esperance! Oh! not here--it an to sob convulsively
”I know all, ly, ”I know the snare that was laid for you But why do you repel me, dearest?”
”Ah! you do not know,” she said, as Ah! let me die!”
”No, do not say that! We are surrounded by enemies, but I fear them not
Come, we must leave this place”