The Son Of Monte Cristo Part 85 (1/2)
”You were absent from your post, then?”
”No, sir, I was not I was not away for one moment yesterday”
”And you saw every one who cao out, but he caether
”Yes; it was about an hour after that, when you caht have gone out, and I not heeded it”
”And may not this have been so?” asked Fanfar ”If the Vicoone out, you know”
”I beg to observe, sir, that the Vicoone out by the small door which coht when I shut up the house I bolt that door, and it is still bolted; so that o that way It is possible, of course, that he could have passedhim I can't always answer for myself; but I have proof that he did not do this”
”What is your proof?”
”Every night I fasten the great door with a chain and padlock and take the key If any one wishes to go out in the night he must call me As soon as the Vicomte came in I put up this chain I assure you, sir, that I a the truth At first I was troubled and afraid I had been careless, but since I have collectedto reproach myself with”
”Do you mean to say, then,” cried Coucon, ”that the Vicoe,” said Fanfar, thoughtfully ”And now,to Coucon and Madame, ”you may leave me here with Monsieur Goutran”
”And with me?” added Bobi+chel
”You can stay, if you will I may need you”
”But, Monsieur Fanfar,” said poor Madaht not to send us away”
The poor wo for you to do Exa that is unusual, come to me instantly”
”There won't be a corner in which I shall not put my nose, be sure of that!” cried Coucon
”Oh! if the Count were only here!” sighed Madame
Fanfar was alone with Bobi+chel and Goutran
”Have you anything to suggest?” he said, suddenly turning to Goutran
”Do you know of any secret egress from this hotel?”
”None whatever,” answered the artist
”And yet you will observe that the girl was not carried away by either of the doors that are known, and she is gone!”
”I did not think of that! There is unquestionably some issue known only to the Count”
”Alas! the Count's eneo to the rooirl was in--”