The Son Of Monte Cristo Part 76 (1/2)

”Half-past ten”

”Send a foot for hi to dress?” asked the wo out until four o'clock”

”Yes, but you will not care to go to the dining-roonoir?”

”No, I will breakfast here in y?”

”Yes You look astonished I do not like such airs Arrange that sood, Mademoiselle”

As the woman left the room, she said to herself:

”They are certainly very queer people, but it is none oflady chooses to breakfast half dressed with her father!”

In less than fifteen minutes the banker knocked at the door of the boudoir He took his daughter's hand and pressed a paternal kiss upon it As they were alone, Carmen withdrew her hand, and said quickly:

”None of that, if you please!”

The oldthat these words had been spoken in too audible a voice, he laid a warning finger on his lip

They presently seated themselves at the table The breakfast was served _a la Russe_--that is, with every thing on the table at once

”You can leave us,” said Cary ate heartily, but Carmen merely nibbled The banker did not speak until he had eaten so much he could eat no an to be iry in y

”Ah!” answered Carmen, ”and yet there were tiy was eating a bit of cheese He stopped with his fork in the air

”We will not talk of that!” he replied

”And why not? Everybody is not born with a million in his cradle I, too, have been near starvation!”


”It is true, but pray finish your breakfast I want to talk to you”

If Goutran, assisted by soician, had been able to see and hear this interview, he would have been thunderstruck What a tone! What an expression! Not that she was less pretty, but there was a so in her manner and appearance which would have offended his taste

Laisangy finally stopped eating Any other person would have been crimson after such a meal, but he actually looked paler than ever

Carain alone