The Son Of Monte Cristo Part 73 (1/2)
”Let everything alone I will pay whatever is necessary”
”Very good, sir; if you answer for it, that's all right”
”And noant a physician,” he added
”A physician! Oh, that is nonsense Youfor her daughter, who is apprenticed to a milliner, and this time she took a drop too irl, who sat with her hands covering her face
Sanselme pitied the poor child He took a twenty franc piece from his pocket
”I want a doctor,” he said, ”and pray ood, sir, since I see you are willing to pay him, and that it won't be left for me to do”
Sanselreatly annoyed that accident had brought him to such a house, and was half tempted to fly He had done his duty and had defended the tomen from their assailants What more had he to do here?
The h a large city, is but a village; every trifle becoerated
He stood twisting his hat in his hands Presently, with an air of decision, he tossed it on a chair
”It won't do to be cowardly!” he said, half aloud
This ood Hehis arrival?
Whatever were the errors of this poor creature, she was a wo He did not knohat she required He turned to the girl
”Madeentle and paternal as possible
She looked up, and for the first tilossy, dark hair carried back plainly from her fair bro old was she? Sixteen, perhaps, but so slender that she looked younger
”You must unfasten your mother's dress,” said Sanselirl looked at him as if she did not understand hi heart!
Sanselme understood, for he said:
”She is your mother, I believe?”
She rose quickly and went to the bed, and leaning over the woman, kissed her brow This was her answer to Sanselar her child's hands, and able to breathe better, the woony!”
That was the beginning of delirium
”I am cold!” she cried ”Why do you put ice on hter could not hold her
”Help irl cried to Sanselme