The Son Of Monte Cristo Part 65 (2/2)

”I rely on you, Made friends,” continued Goutran, ”to cure this misanthrope of his bad habits!”

Carmen, probably displeased at the indifference manifested by Esperance, no her host away

”What do you think of hi, certainly, but I cannot judge of his mind”

”He is entirely upset of late I have just taken his education in hand”


”The Count of Monte-Cristo is the person who met with such a series of incredible adventures, and is naht”

”And tell y had ever any relations with him?”

”Ah! that I cannot say Your father has not been in Paris for some years, and the Count has been here very little of late But I can easily find out for you”

”No, no--pray erly ”But the terrace--where is it?”

”Here it is!” answered Goutran, raising a curtain

The apartment that Goutran occupied was on the second floor, and the terrace, of which he had spoken so slightingly, was draped with clematis, and commanded a beautiful vien the avenue to the Place de la Concorde

The evening was calm and the air delicious Carmen certainly deserved to be called iht, and Goutran was young and passionately in love Carmen still leaned on his arm She murmured softly:

”How delicious it is here!”

He slipped his arm around her waist, and as she threw back her head to look up at the moon, Goutran leaned forward and kissed her Let her who is without sin throw the first stone!

At this precise arden below, and this voice said:

”Do not be too anxious to learnpeople separated hastily Carmen ran to the balustrade and looked over, but she could see nothing, and heard now only two angry voices disputing Car it, said coldly:

”We will go in, if you please!”

As they entered the gallery, the Vicomte de Monte-Cristo hurried up to Goutran

”Come with me,” he said, ”I must see you at once!”