The Son Of Monte Cristo Part 52 (1/2)

”You are not ignorant, sir, of how greatly the conduct of the Vicomte de Talizac has co your pardon,” interrupted the Marquis, ”but may I ask if you were not the companion of my son in most of his excesses?”

Fernando smiled satirically

”Perhaps you are not quite aware of the part I played in these excesses

Monsieur de Talizac is not a child, to be influenced for good or evil by his friends Perhaps, instead of accusingsaved the honor of your house more than once”

”Indeed, sir! I confess I do not understand”

”It seems tofrom the real subject of this conversation A powerful Society, sir, attached above all else to the practice of all virtues and to the triu you Your influence and your talents all give a guarantee that you may become a most useful auxiliary to the society to which I have the honor to belong”

”The Society of Jesus?” interrupted the Marquis

Fernando did not reply to this direct question other than with a slight bow

”This society,” he continued, ”is disposed to come to your aid It is they who have prevented His Majesty froereues uttered an exclamation of surprise

”And they, too, will enable you to re-conquer the rank to which you belong”

”On condition that I will be their slave!” said the Marquis, with a constrained smile

It was certain that in this terrible crisis the Marquis was ready to snatch at anything that would save hinance to giving himself up entirely to the control of these people and to have no will of his own He hesitated Fernando seeht

”I think, sir,” he said, ”that you exaggerate the consequences of the step I suggest”

”And if I refuse?”

”You will not refuse,” said the Italian, quietly

Fongereues bit his lips

”What does the Society of Jesus require of uarantee”

”What do they offer me?”

”The position of Prime Minister”

The Marquis started

”I do not understand you,” he said