The Son Of Monte Cristo Part 50 (1/2)

”But,” said Francine, ”as it who saveddeeply

”No, I heard you mention a name that I do not know”

”Yes, that of Monsieur Fanfar”

”Who is he?”

Irene looked at her and wondered if in her fever the girl's reason had deserted her

”I do not understand Do you not know your brother?”

”My brother!”

Irene passed her hand over her troubled brow

”My brother Ah! what is it you say? I never had but one brother, dear little Jacques, as always so good and kind to me!”

”Jacques! but that is the name of--Monsieur Fanfar!”

”I tell you,” answered Francine, ”that I never met any one of that name

Stop a moment, I remember a coement of a man called Iron Jaws, and with him was this Fanfar, if I don't mistake”

”Precisely, and this Fanfar is your brother, I heard him say so, himself, when I went to help you He said to me, 'she is my sister--'”

”Where is he? I must see him He saved my life Suppose that he is Jacques! But no, poor Jacques is dead!”

Irene could not help the poor girl; although she fully believed in the truth of what Fanfar had said, she could offer no proof

Suddenly Francine exclaiht to be very handsome”

Irene colored, as she said, ”He is handso hair?”

Irene was unwilling to admit that she had studied Fanfar in all these details, but she stammered out, ”Yes, that describes him”

”For pity's sake, tell me all you know!”

Irene asked herself why she should hesitate After all there was nothing to be ashamed of in her sentiments towards Fanfar

”I will tell you all,” she said, in a low voice

”Why are you so disturbed?” asked Francine ”When you mention the name of this Fanfar, you have tears in your eyes”