The Son Of Monte Cristo Part 47 (1/2)

he cried

”Monsieur,” said Fanfar, ”a criuilt is upon your son's head You, gentle is perirl who, pure and industrious, toiled for her daily bread This Vicomte de Talizac abducted her with the assistance of his paid emissaries The poor creature, driven to despair, committed suicide This is what your son has done, Marquis! Can you conceive of a more cowardly or infa in his eyes, looked with contempt on the people about him

Arthur rushed to his side ”Dead!” he cried, ”is she dead?”

Fanfar gently laid Francine upon the floor ”Is there no one airl lives? Beats there not one heart under all this silk and velvet?”

A woman advanced and knelt by the side of Francine It was Irene de Salves

”What does this senseless corily

”It is no coedy,” answered Fanfar, coldly

”Ask what explanations you please from your son; he must answer you See how he trembles; ask him if what I have said is not true?”

Talizacto his father, said, ”This man lies!”

”And I, sir, swear that he speaks the truth!” cried Arthur de Montferrand ”Ah! Monsieur de Talizac, you forget too quickly; but my memory recalls the fact that the marks now on your face were imprinted yesterday by my hand, when you attacked me with a knife, because I endeavored to prevent you fro this cri to the crowd of spectators: ”Gentlemen,” he said, ”I am the victim of a most monstrous calumny, and I call on you to treat this scoundrel with his trumped-up tale as he deserves!”

Not oneat them

”She lives!” cried Irene ”She breathes! Mother, dear irl to be carried to our hoiveto Fanfar

”She is my sister!” said Fanfar

Irene imprinted a kiss on Francine's brow This was her reply to Fanfar's words

Talizac ran to the door of the salon and summoned the lacqueys ”Here, take this man away!”

And, as they crowded in, Fanfar said: ”Who dares lay a hand on me?”

”I do!” answered a voice behind him, as a hand was laid on his shoulder

”In the na, I arrest you!”

The old

Soldiers filled every doorway

”Monsieur,” said the Magistrate, to Fongereues, ”ato conceal himself in the apartments of His Majesty

He had arms concealed about his person, and did not hesitate to confess that he ca”