The Son Of Monte Cristo Part 42 (1/2)
”None of your business! Hand it here”
The wo that looked like wine, and dropped a spoonful between the girl's lips She had soso, that Robeccal took a knife from his pocket, and inserted it between Francine's close shut teeth As soon as the liquid disappeared down the girl's throat she started
”You are not poisoning her?” asked Robeccal
”Airl up-stairs”
Robeccal snatched Francine frohtly up the stairs
The roo out upon the garden, which seemed to stretch out indefinitely In reality it ended at no very great distance in a wall sixteen feet in height
As Robeccal laid the girl on the bed, he looked at her again with some anxiety She was absolutely motionless
There came a knock at the door Robeccal started
”That must be he!” said La Roulante
It was in fact Talizac, who had arrived Fernando ith him, but the Vicomte had knocked with the handle of his cane It was not the signal agreed upon, and the door was not opened Suddenly Frederic uttered an oath
”Oh! it is he!” said Robeccal ”That is better than a visiting card!”
But La Roulante insisted on a little arguh the door before she would consent to move the heavy bolts
”damned sorceress!” cried Talizac, ”you deserve that I should cut your face with ”
La Roulante entle address, and Talizac, with blood-stained face and torn clothing, entered the house, followed by Fernando, as as dignified and correct in costume as he alas
When Talizac reached the salon, he dropped into a chair ”Water! for the love of Heaven, give me some water!” he lad of a few hours of rest ”Is she here?” he asked
”Yes, she is here,” answered La Roulante
Talizac rose ”I must repair the disorder of my toilette,” he said
”Robeccal, come with me”
On Talizac's return, he asked La Roulante where the Marquise was
”Oh! she is asleep,” was the reply
”Shohere she is, and move a little faster!”
”It strikes me, sir, that you are not over polite,” muttered Robeccal
”Let hiiantess; ”he is in a hurry to see his darling, and has no tirotesque reverence as she spoke She preceded the Vicomte to show hi on the stairs, ”that the girl is as pretty as a pink”