The Son Of Monte Cristo Part 36 (1/2)
Aube, now quite reassured, hastened back to his duties below
Francine began a prelude to a siuitar slipped fro into the room
”Go on, _ma belle_” he said, ”surely you are not afraid of me!” And he tried to take her by the waist
”No,” she replied, ”I shall sing no h very tipsy, threw hi, and for each one of your sweet notes I will give you a kiss”
The girl drew back fro to the twoon, she cried, with infinite contempt:
”Cowards! will neither of you interfere to prevent a wo insulted?”
Arthur's heart was stirred by this appeal
”You are right,” he replied ”Co to hed Frederic ”Take her from me if you dare!” And he put his arm around her
”Help!” cried Francine ”Help!”
At the same moment, Frederic received a tremendous blow from Montferrand
The Vicoaged in a hand to hand contest
Francine was so terrified that she could not move
Why had not Aube heard this noise? We will return to the lower floor
Robeccal was disgusted when he saw Francine go up-stairs He felt that the ground was cut from under his feet, and that he was to lose the reward he had been promised He stole partly up the stairs and listened
He went on, and when the quarrel burst out and he saw the knife in the hand of the Vicomte, he rushed down the stairs, and sunal from him
Aube had heard Francine's cry and ran to her aid, but two of the men summoned by Robeccal stood before the door
”Let ood sir,” was the reply ”Don'tthus braved in his own establishment, Aube thrust the men aside, but was driven back by repeated blows
He turned to his custo a poor girl up-stairs Help er!”
A number of men started up at this appeal
The two bandits stood on the stairs with knives in their hands, and feet and hands ready to repel any one who attempted to ascend the stairs