The Son Of Monte Cristo Part 28 (1/2)

”I wish to thank you, youngmy life”

Fanfar answered courteously

”You were in peril I only did et that if I can ever serve you, you are to apply tohe left the room

Fanfar and Gudel were now alone

Cyprien waited for his ed hi

”Cyprien,” he whispered, fiercely, ”hell has co man who saved my life, this Fanfar--”


”Is the son of Siere--the son of my brother!”

My readers will please remember that only Francoise knew the secret of the birth of little Jacques, as supposed to be the son of Simon

And of Francoise, the fire had destroyed every trace

”At last!” exclai man must die, but his identity must be perfectly clear We require Gudel's testimony, and then, when all this is plain, we can control Labarre”

Cyprien assented to the wisdom of the plan, but he wished a little delay He saw evidences of great impatience on the part of the Marquis

”I am not so simple, sir, as you think This Gudel is one of the leaders of the conspiracy of which I have told you, and Fanfar is the man on whom these bandits rely to arouse the populace in Paris”

Then in a low voice he told the Marquis how Iron Jaws had then in his possession papers which would prove the whole plot, and give the names of the conspirators

”Let him fall into the hands of the law,” concluded Cyprien, ”and the end is certain We can contrive to give to the plot enormous proportions, and he will be condeed his shoulders

”No, that won't do We can't rely on these judges One never knohims they may take into their heads”

”But what do you propose?”

Fongereues hesitated

”Who is this man,” he asked, ”who has revealed to you the conversation of Gudel and his accos to their troupe”

The Marquis tore a leaf from his note book, and wrote a feords in haste

”Take this o to Remisemont,” he said ”Go to the Comte de Vernac, who is a rabid ht the police will be here, these two men will be made prisoners, and I have no doubt they will resist Then I will attend to the rest; a criminal who resists may be silenced”

Cyprien so, at once, there is no time to be lost Fanfar must be killed; Gudel must be taken alive Gudel will tell his story in the court-room