The Son Of Monte Cristo Part 13 (1/2)
”Mother! Mother!” cried the boy
There was no time to lose Lasvene lifted him by the collar and dropped him into the dark hole, and closed the cover Francoise extended her arht like rats in a hole!” he growled
The Cossacks began to tear down the walls
”Can you walk?” said the old soldier to Francoise
”Then you must die!”
”Will the children be saved?”
”Then do what you will!”
Lasvene snatched a burning log from the fire and threw it into the middle of a pile of brushwood
”Fan it!” he whispered hoarsely
And Francoise dragged herself forward and fanned the fla breath
”Brave woman!” cried Lasvene ”And noelcome death! Vive la France!”
He poured his flask of powder on the floor There was a terrible explosion
Francoise and old Lasvene have done their duty ere they died The walls of the hut fall, and hide the trap door
The trap door closed on the two children, leaving theht of that
The boy hesitated His mother had bidden him save Francinette--here was safety, even if there were also darkness He kissed his little sister tenderly
”Can you walk, dear?” he said
”No--I am afraid!”
Jacques remembered that he was ten, and that Francinette, as only six, had a right to be afraid