The Son Of Monte Cristo Part 9 (1/2)
They say that the foreigners are co this way, and they bid us fly!”
Simon went to the door Francoise had spoken the truth On all the roads and on all the mountain paths croere seen of men, women and children
If the rout of an army is terrible, that of a people is infinitely ht from home and fireside is sad beyond expression These peasants were running, carrying on their shoulders all that they held most precious Their houses had been searched, for these peasants had served in the rising of '92, and they probably had ar a pistol At another place brutes had insulted the woitives This was the day that Napoleon Bonaparte had replied to the _corps legislatif_, who supplicated him to return to the people their lost liberty: ”France is a man!--I am that man--with my will, my faing the huge wagon they had dug out of the snow-drifts Simon rapidly explained to several peasants the preparations he had made, and under his instructions they hastened to reht--eleven out of the twenty-eight were dead But in fifteenon the fresh straw spread in the school-roo fro their sufferings as far as possible Suddenly a great noise was heard without, followed by the most profound silence Simon started
”What was that!” he asked, quickly
The door opened, and Michel appeared
”The Cossacks!” he cried ”Co to his wife to take his place He went outside, and beheld so horses
The ly as monkeys
They wore loose robes fastened into the waists with red scarfs On their heads were high cylindrical caps Soh saddles formed boxes in which they could pack away their booty They looked down on the croith s eyes set far in under bushy brows and low foreheads At their head was an officer in the Austrian uniform
The crowd fled to the further end of the open space, and the wo children to their breasts Simon walked directly toward the officer
”Who are you, and what do you want?” he asked, politely but firmly
The officer did not see intently at the inn Simon repeated his question, this time in German The Austrian then concluded to look at hioutte?” he asked ”And is that your inn?” And the soldier pointed to the inn
”What business is that of yours?” asked Siry
”Giveto drink”
Siive anything to the enemies of roan
”We shall take it by force, then!” said the officer, spurring his horse toward Simon, but the latter pulled out a pistol and pointed it at the Austrian
”One step further!” he shouted, ”and I will blow out your brains!”
The Austrian pulled up his steed, and saying a feords to his men, they turned their horses and departed
”We shall see you again!” shouted the Austrian, over his shoulder
The peasants uttered a shout of joy, but Sihtful
”Why,” said he, to himself, ”should there be a reconnoissance expressly for this village?”
The men noded around Simon