Volume II Part 73 (1/2)

”Pretty wouished in this way, and Larsagny, who felt flattered by it, tried to hter

”Ah, pretty, pretty,” repeated the Mussulhted up with joy, said:

”May I introduce her?”

Mohammed nodded

Carmen bowed politely when the introduction was

Omar offered her his arm, and murmured as he pointed to some pictures

”Allah il Allah I come from the painter Gontram Mohammed resoul il Allah”

”The pasha evidently wishes you to show hiny

”Then coirl to the Oriental

As soon as Omar was alone with his companion, he whispered:

”Pardon me, I have to speak to you”

”Who are you?” asked Carmen

”A friend, a former Zouave in the service of the Count of Monte-Cristo”

”Well, what have you?”

”A note from the painter Gontram”

”Give it to me--quickly”

Coucou drew the letter froirl It read as follows:

”Carer; Jane Zild has been abducted and Spero has disappeared If every sign does not deceive, the bankerabout it Perhaps you reat haste,

”G S”

Carmen breathed more freely after she had read the lines