Volume II Part 66 (1/2)
”When I awoke,” she continued, ”it was broad daylight On going over to the bed where the young girl lay, I found, to my surprise, that it was eirl had disappeared The vico a word, hurried out of the house in a state of great excitement Twenty-four hours have passed since then, and he has not been back since, and--”
”What bothers me most,” interrupted Coucou, ”is the fact that the vico”
Fanfaro becairl ounded?” he asked after a pause, turning to Madame Caraman
”No, but Monsieur Sabran knows”
”The painter? I shall go to him directly”
”We have been to his house already, but he has not been ho”
”That is bad,” murmured Fanfaro ”Do you know the lady's name?”
”No, but I found this note in her pocket If it is addressed to the young girl, then her naant little note
”Dear Mademoiselle Jane,” Fanfaro read, and, penetrated by a recollection, he repeated aloud:
”Jane--Mademoiselle Jane--if it is--but no--it can't be possible--”
A loud cry frootten up, and, gazing at Fanfaro, staly repeated:
”Jane-- lady?” cried Fanfaro
”Certainly Then it wasn't she whom I rescued from the river?”
”No; but for God's sake calm yourself,” said Fanfaro, as he saw Ansel out of bed
”I could have iined that the return of that scoundrel, Benedetto, would bringeyes
”Benedetto--who speaks of Benedetto?” asked a hoarse voice
All turned in the direction from whence the words caht of her, he uttered a terrible cry
”Merciful God, where does she coiven up its dead?”
The crazy worazed his forehead with her bony hand She laughed aloud, and in a heart-rending voice exclainio--oh! 'tis he!”
Anselmo trembled, and could not turn his eyes away from the old lady, who noildly called:
”Benedetto! Who mentioned his name? I want to know it!”