Volume II Part 38 (1/2)

”Madarily ”You announce the vico it?”

”My lord,” said the servant, turning to the marquis

The expression of the man's face was such that the nobleman felt his heart stand still with terror, and in a faint voice he stammered:

”Madeleine, let Baptiste speak”

”The--vicomte--is dead,” stammered Baptiste

A cry of despair came from the marquise's lips, while the unfortunate father looked at the er in a daze He did not seenificance of the words was made clear to him

Heavy steps were heard in the corridor They ceased at the door, and no four ently on the floor the burden they had been carrying The burden was a bier, covered with a cloth, under which could be seen the outlines of a human fore to raise the cover In a daze they both stared at the bier and the pallbearers, and only when Gaston de Ferrette, Talizac's friend, stepped on the threshold of the door did life return to the unhappy parents

”Gaston, what has happened?” cried the ly held his hand toward the young man

”He is dead,” replied Gaston, in a hollow voice

”Who is dead? For Heaven's sake speak!” moaned Madeleine

”Your son, the Vicomte de Talizac, fell in a duel,” said Gaston, earnestly

Madeleine uttered a loud cry and sank unconscious to the floor While Baptiste and the azed vacantly before hi his head, he passionately exclaimed:

”You lie--ht, marquis,” replied Gaston, sorrowfully; ”unfortunately it is the truth The vicoht a duel, and the sword of the latter ran through Talizac's heart!”

Thetoward the bier, he shoved the cloth aside with a tre hand

Yes, it was his son who lay on the bier The pale face was stiff and cold The eyes were glassy and on the breast was a deep red wound

The rasped the cloth His eyes shone feverishly and he stammered forth disconnected sentences

Gaston de Ferrette consoled the unhappy father, but his words made no iht back to consciousness by her o away for the present

He softly strode to the door, but had hardly reached it when theman's shoulder, said:

”Do not leave this room I must kno he died”

A wink from Gaston sent the servants away, and as soon as he was alone with the parents he began his story