Volume II Part 36 (1/2)

Marquis, do you think you have the necessary strength to be this ereuse had arisen Excited, flushed with enthusiasm, he looked at Velletri

”Yes, I am the man!” he firmly exclaimed, ”I will easily overcome every obstacle, conquer every opposition--”

”With our assistance,” added the Jesuit ”We are already in possession of a respectable minority, and it will be easy for you, with the aid of promises and shrewd insinuations, to win over those who are on the fence Marquis, the work intrusted to you is a sublime one--”

”I am yours body and soul,” interrupted the marquis impatiently ”And to-day--”

”One htly on the uarantee”

”Really,” cried Fougereuse sincerely, ”I forgot all about that, but I should think my word of honor would be sufficient”

Velletri did not reply to his last observation, but coolly said:

”The ive him the weapons which must lead to victory must be bound to us by ties which cannot be torn asunder”

The est chains,” continued the Jesuit, ”are, as is well known, the golden ones, and the guarantee we desire is based on this fact

Marquis, I aeneral of the order, and it is my mission to ask you whether you are ready to assist the society financially by founding new colonies such as the Montrouge and Saint-Acheul houses in Parereuse, ”I am ready to help the Society of Jesus to the extent of h the sum is that is required My finances are at present exhausted and--”

”Have no fear,” interrupted Velletri dryly; ”the suhtened about it”

Fougereuse breathed more freely

”To found the houses named only a very modest sum is necessary, not more than a million!”

”A million!” stammered the marquis, ”a million!”

”The sum is very small in comparison to the office you buy with it, and only the particular friendshi+p our order had for you caused it to give you the preference, to the exclusion of nuereuse, ”the sum is impossible to secure!

If I were to sell or pawn everything, I would not succeed in raising a quarter of this sum”

”Then you refuse?” asked Velletri

”God forbid, only I do not kno I shall satisfy the demand of the society A million is, under the circuereuse possesses a fortune which is fabulous in comparison to the deroaned Fougereuse, ”but unfortunately you are mistaken; I am ruined, totally ruined!”

”Impossible! The fortune your father left behind him was too immense to have been spent in a few years! No matter what your embarrassments previously were, the fortune must have been sufficient to cover them and enrich you enormously besides!” replied Velletri

”Count, I was robbed of ereuse

The Italian rose up angrily