Volume II Part 21 (1/2)

”But I thought the ood one for both sides; the fortune of the Salves--”

”Oh, bother with the fortune!” interrupted the vico countess is very beautiful,” continued Arthur

”Beautiful?” repeated the vicoly; ”not that I can see She puts on airs, as if the whole world lay at her feet, and poses as such a virtuous being And yet I really believe she is no better than other people; I--”

”Frederic,” interrupted Velletri, warningly; he feared that the vico Montferrand what had occurred between his bride and the acrobat

”Well,” said Arthur, hastily, ”I hope that when Irene de Salves becomes your bride you will be more pleasant to her”

”Really, Arthur, you have such antediluvian notions,” laughed the vicorave of love; but if there has been no love beforehand, it follows that the grave will ree ties, I authorize you both to hunt on ive me pleasure if you score a success Who knows? The countess is, perhaps, less prudish than she seehed Arthur, carelessly

”I wish you joy I haven't the stuff of a jealous husband in rant to others!”

”That is unselfish,” said the Italian; ”not every one is so liberal with his wife”

”Bah! the wife of a friend is decidedly more piquant than one's own, and who knows but that I e irlish voice was heard conesi was delightfully phrased The young , and when at the end of the same a storm of applause followed, Arthur clapped his hands too

”What a pity,” he said, ”that one cannot hear this nightingale nearer”

”Why should not that be possible?” cried the vicohtened This idea er?” he contemptuously asked

Talizac, however, as under the influence of the charily exclaimed:

”Now she shall just co to us, and then--”

”And then?” repeated Arthur curiously

”Ah, it is ed for the little one,”

observed Velletri, with a cynical laugh

”What! a surprise?”


”And she does not suspect anything?”
