Volume II Part 17 (1/2)
”Well, what else?”
”You have probably good reasons not to give your name, the name of an adventurer, but in spite of all I must infored to punish you I--”
The vico man was laid upon his shoulder, and so powerful was the pressure of his hand that the vico nal the friends who had followed him hurried up When they were near by, Talizac's opponent said:
”Vicomte, before I provoke a scene, I wish to lay the matter before my friends; have patience for ato his coht a duel with him? It is the Vicomte de Talizac”
”The Vicomte de Talizac?” replied one of the ion of Honor ”With a Talizac one does not fight duels”
The vicoe, and turned under the iron fist which was still pressed on his shoulder and held hiave him a look which made his cowardly heart quake, and earnestly said:
”Vicoht with people we honor If you do not understand ive you the necessary explanations Perhaps a day may come when I myself may not refuse to oppose you, and then you may kill me if you are able to do so!
I have told you nohat you ought to know, and now go and look up your dissipated companions, and take your presence out of the society of respectable people”
Wild with rage, his features horribly distorted, unable to utter a word, the Vicomte de Talizac put his hand in his pocket, and threw a pack of cards at his opponent's face The young man was about to rush upon the nobleman, but one of his companions seized his arm and whispered:
”Don't be too hasty, you must not put your life and liberty at stake just now--you are not your ownwhich, he pointed to three roup
The young e of this to disappear He had hardly gone a few steps, when an ar voice exclaimed:
”You are punctual, vicomte; your friends can vouch for that”
The vico his voice, continued:
”What was the difficulty between you and the young man? You wanted to kill him Are you acquainted with him?”
”No, I hardly know him; you overheard us?”
”Excuse me, my dear fellow; your opponent spoke so loudly that ere not obliged to exert ourselves to hear his estimate of you Anyhow I only heard the conclusion of the affair; you will no doubt take pleasure in relating the commencement to me!”
The words, and the tone in which they had been said, wounded Talizac's self-love, and he sharply replied:
”If it pleases hed, and then said, in an indifferent tone:
”My dear vicomte, in the position in which you find yourself, it would be ine that you intend to insult me, and therefore I do not consider your words as spoken”
”What do you , except that yesterday was the day of presentation for a certain paper, which you, in a fit of abstraction, no doubt, signed with another narew pale, and he mechanically clinched his fist