Volume I Part 68 (1/2)
”You are right”
”And he did his work carelessly, for he left this little piece sticking in the lock” And with these words Spero triumphantly held up a small piece of steel
Monte-Cristo clasped the boy in his arms Spero was the worthy pupil of thehis intercourse with the Abbe Faria
”And now you shall knoho theaside the diamonds which more than half filled the middle drawer of the safe ”Look here! what is this?”
”A dagger, father,” said Spero, in affright
”And on this dagger a piece of parchment is fastened”
Monte-Cristo carefully unrolled the scrap of paper and read the following, written with blood, in Arabian characters:
”Maldar to Monte-Cristo The poor hts against him Beware of the Khouans!”
”Who are the Khouans, papa?”
”I shall tell you later on--there is no ti on deck with Spero, the count accosted Jacopo
”When did the Arab leave the shi+p?” he asked
”He is still here, master, in the custody of Coucou”
”Are you sure, Jacopo? Tell him to come to me”
Jacopo disappeared, but soon returned
”Master,” he said, ”the Zouave is fast asleep”
”And the Arab?”
”Has disappeared”
”Yes, but ill find him Come, now! Search every corner of the shi+p”
Monte-Cristo stopped the sailors
”It is useless,” he said, pointing to the shore, ”look there!”
Maldar stood on the beach, shaking his fist angrily at the yacht
”Comrades, listen,” said Monte-Cristo, ”the Arab is our deadly eneround carries an assassin! Do your duty, but look out for yourselves!”
The next minute the yacht reached the harbor--they were in Africa!