Volume I Part 45 (1/2)

”I cannot ansho she was,” replied the Zouave; ”she could scarcely be persuaded to speak, and only after ed to one of the tribes in the Sahara which we continually pursued Her people ill-treated her, and she resolved to run away While seated arowling of the animal close to her

”What further happened,” continued the Zouave, ”I cannot tell; her wound was, thank God! not dangerous, and we took the poor child with us to the cahouat, a ss of which were considered to possess ether with the little one, were rely beautiful--even unto this day I see this poor young child slowly lift her large dark lashes, and open her dark almond-shaped eyes And the captain--oh, commander, his equal cannot easily be met with--he was in every respect quite different from his comrades! With hiht about himself, and in battle he was always at the head--a very pearl of an officer!”

A strange feeling came over the count as he listened to the praiseworthy words of the Zouave Had Albert been his son he could not have been more proud of him Monte-Cristo was not a man of ordinary nature, otherwise he would have shown bitter hatred toward the son of Fernand Mandego; but it appeared to hi man atoned for the faults of the father

”What was the nairl?” he inquired afterward

”Medje, commander; as soon as she was able to speak the captain inquired after her naht wish to return to her tribe, she sobbed bitterly, and tried to show in every respect how much she dreaded it Who she really e could never make out In that cursed country it is quite different than with us As soon as they can ine that they are a nation, and in need of a sultan From some expressions of Medje we could forhter of such a sultan The captain placed his hand over her, and I was present when he said to her:

”'Medje, you do not see for your father; if you wish to remain with us I will take you under my protection, and I will care for you as if you were ive to that?” inquired the count, eagerly

”Oh, she kissed his hands, she cried for joy, and was really treated well by hih she were a little queen She had her servants, and when the captain went out skir he always rely were ready and willing to put their hands under her feet!”

”What becareat point at issue When the last expedition, from which the captain was not to return, was planned, Medje threw herself around the neck of her protector, and adjured hihed at her She had no idea what discipline signified, and, sobbing, she repeated constantly:

”'Not go away, little papa--not going!'

”Ah, ould not I have given afterward had we taken her advice! When I alone returned from this unfortunate expedition, I was inforht, almost at the same hour”

”Then the child was a spy!” exclaimed the count, displeased ”She knew about the expedition, and inforly”

”At first I was of the saed it, because I found out that already previous to the expedition suspicious for about our tents Medje had accidentally seen one of theseterribly, she ran away”

”Why did she not give warning to the captain?”

”Who could fathom that? Sure it was that a bold Bedouin, whose name was quite sufficient to set the whole cahborhood, and--”

”What was the naerly

”Mohammed ben Abdallah”

”He? Are you not mistaken?” the count inquired, rather excitedly

”Oh, no, I have heard the nah”

”And you do not knoho this man really was?”

”No--probably also a ler or sorcerer”

”Did you acquaint your superiors of this sorcerer?” asked the count after a while

”No,” replied Coucou, rather hesitatingly

”Then I am surprised that you acquaint lance at the Zouave