Volume I Part 31 (1/2)

”Mada his life at stake for the freedom of Italy He offered his breast to theof the Marquis Aslitta,” said Haydee, gently

”Yes, of him, and if you knew my past you would understand that it is the love I bear for him which keeps me alive”

”Speak freely, sister,” whispered the handsome Greek, ”perhaps I can help you”

”I am a Frenchwoman by birth,” said the diva, timidly ”My youth was passed in the capital I was courted and petted, and yet I was not happy My father, occupied with his financial operations, did not bother himself about me My mother was just as unhappy as I was I would have beco toher arm about Milla's waist, the diva continued:

”We were both devoted to music It was a substitute for happiness to et my barren life A certain trouble happened toall the ties which bound me to home were broken, and I fled, with misery and desperation in my heart!

Madame, I was then hardly twenty, but virtue, honesty and love were already to me empty words!”

”Poor sister,” murmured Haydee, ”how you reatly,” continued Luciola, with tears in her eyes

”The world appeared to be a desert, and so I devotedbesides the applause of the crowd and one's own a Italian noblemen had come to Naples to free their brothers froht we heard a loud noise Not having anything to lose, I had my horse harnessed and rode in the direction of the cry

Milla insisted upon accoht was going on We saw shi+ning unifor ainst the Austrians A shot was fired and the young ed my horse on toward the spot where I had last seen him The unhappytunic, Milla and I succeeded in drawing hiht hiio Aslitta awoke to new life

His first words, as he gained sensibility, were:

_”Chi per la patria muore_ _Vessuto ha assai!”_

”Ah, the battle hy

”Yes; and when I heard these words I was saved! I believed inever sounded so sweet to me as that patriotic hymn”



Hardly had Luciola uttered the last words, than a deep voice said:

”Eugenie Danglars, I thank you in the naiven!”

The diva turned affrightedly around The Count of Monte-Cristo stood before her, leading his son by the hand

”Oh, how grateful I anized ht of you,” replied Monte-Cristo, earnestly; ”and the name you bear makes me a debtor to you”

”You shame me, count--you my debtor?”

”Rest satisfied hat I have told you I am not at liberty to reveal the sorrowful past to you But be assured that if I have ever caused you grief, it was because I a aboutfrom me,” implored Luciola ”I know that my father lives, and--”