Volume I Part 25 (1/2)

As if to add strength to his words, Herr von Kirchstein crushed the wineglass he held in his hand, amid the applause of his comrades

”Bravo!” they cried

Count Hermann looked proudly about and said:

”Only as late as yesterday I had an opportunity to show the Milanese who is master here”

”Tell us, comrade; tell us all about it,” ca, about six o'clock, I was going across the Piazza Fontana, when two confounded Italians--a lady about forty years of age, dressed in deepsixteen-year-old boy--approached me They took one side of the pave along sar, and did not look up; the lady did not esture signifying that the lady had lost her balance, and, ahter of his co booby ran after ar out of my mouth I drew my sword, but the woman clutched my arm and cried: 'You killed the father on the 3d of January, on the Corsa dei Servi--spare the son'

”With my sword,” continued Count Hero offellow's skull The people crowded around, and the police arrived, to whom I told the affair”

”Did the dastardly wretch lie dead on the ground?” asked a young officer

”No, the police took hiave, I think he ed inside of twenty-four hours”

”Antonio Balbini was strangled this , and nailed to the wall of the prison,” said a deep voice, suddenly

Every one turned toward the speaker, who continued in a calm voice:

”As I tell you, Count Hermann--nailed to the wall Ah, we have splendid o two traitors were fried in hot oil, and if they are to be buried alive _a la proviguere_--”

”What is that?” asked a captain, sipping sorbet

”What? You don't knohat that is?” said the first speaker, in hard metallic tones ”One would think you had just come from another world”

The speaker was an Italian, about thirty years of age, of extraordinary beauty Deep black, sparkling eyes lighted up the finely-chiselled features, and perfect white teeth looked from under the fresh rosy lips and raven black mustache

The Marquis Aslitta was since two months in Milan, and, as was said, had for his countryn tyrants

While he spoke the officers appeared to feel uncohed, it sounded forced and unnatural

”To co loudly ”The prisoners are chained, their legs are broken, and they are hurled head foremost into a pit about four feet deep Then the pit is filled with dirt, leaving the legs exposed up to the knees It recalls little trees and looks co, the laugh sounded like long-drawn sobs

Count Hermann felt his hair stand on end

”Let us play cards,” he proposed; but before his co, a thunderous noise caled with loud cries

”Long live La Luciola! Long live Italy!”