Part 10 (1/2)
Listeners are easy to contact. Their names are displayed on orange cards on their cell doors and on most notice boards throughout the House-Blocks or ask any member of the spur staff.
Listeners are all bound by a code of confidentiality that doesn't only run from House...
Block to House-Block but also through a great number of Prisons throughout the country. Any breach of that confidentiality would cause irreparable damage to the benefits achieved, and because of this code Listeners are now as firmly established as your cell door.
He then begins to explain the role of Listeners and how they came into existence after a fifteen-year-old boy hanged himself in a Cardiff jail some ten years ago. He me a single sheet of paper that explains their guidelines. Among Fletch's responsibilities is to spot potential bullies and perhaps more important potential victims, as most victims are too frightened to give you a name because they fear revenge at a later date, either inside or outside of prison I ask him to share some examples with me.
He tells me that there are two heroin addicts on the spur and although he won't name them, it's hard not to notice that a couple of the younger lifers on the ground floor have needle tracks up and down their arms. One of them is only nineteen and has tried to take his own life twice, first with an overdose, and then later when he attempted to cut his wrist with a razor.
'We got there just in time,' says Fletch.
'After that, the boy was billeted with me for five weeks.'
Fletch feels it's also vitally important to have a good working relations.h.i.+p with the prison staff he doesn't call them screws or kangaroos otherwise the system just can't work. He admits there will always be an impenetrable barrier, which he describes as the iron door, but he has done his best to break this down by forming a prison committee of three inmates and three officers who meet once a month to discuss each other's problems. He says with some considerable pride that there hasn't been a serious incident on his spur for the past eight months.
He then tells me a story about an occasion when he was released from prison some years ago for a previous offence. He decided to call into his bank and cash a cheque. He climbed the steps, stood outside the bank and waited for someone to open the door for him. He looks up from the end of the bed at the closed cell door. 'You see, it doesn't have a handle on our side, so you always have to wait for someone to open it. After so long in prison, I'd simply forgotten how to open a door.'
Fletch goes on to tell me that being a Listener gives him a reason for getting up each day. But like all of us, he has his own problems. He's thirty-seven, and will be my age, sixty-one, when he is eventually released.
'The truth is that I'll never see the outside world again.' He pauses. 'I'll die in prison.'
He pauses again. 'I just haven't decided when.'
Fletch has unwittingly made me his Listener.
Day 11 - Sunday 29 July 2001.
6.27 am.
Sundays are not a good day in prison because you spend so much time locked up in your cell. When you ask why, the officers simply say, 'It's because we're short-staffed.'
I can at least use six of those hours writing.
Many of the lifers have long-term projects, some of which I have already mentioned.
One is writing a book, another taking a degree, a third is a dedicated Listener. In fact, although I may have to spend most of today locked up in my cell, Fletch, Billy, Tony, Paul, Andy and Del Boy all have responsible jobs which allow them to roam around the block virtually unrestricted. This makes sense, because if a prisoner has a long sentence, they may feel they have nothing to lose by causing trouble, but once you've given them privileges and not being locked up all day is unquestionably a privilege they're unlikely to want to give up that freedom easily.
8.03 am.
I shave using a Bic razor supplied by HMP.
They give you a new razor every day, and it is a punishable offence to be found with two of them in your cell, so every evening, just before lock-up, you trade in your old one for a new one.
As soon as the cell door is opened, I make a dash for the shower, but four young West Indians get there before me. One of them, Dennis (GBH), has the largest bag of toiletries I have ever seen. It's filled with several types of deodorant and aftershave lotions.
He is a tall, well-built, good-looking guy who rarely misses a gym session. When I tease him about the contents of his bag, Dennis simply replies, 'You've got to be locked up for a long time, Jeff, before you can build up such a collection on twelve-fifty a week.'
Another of them eventually emerges from his shower stall and comments about my not having flipflops on my feet. 'Quickest way to get verrucas,' he warns me. 'Make sure Mary sends you in a pair as quickly as possible.'
Having repeatedly to push the b.u.t.ton with the palm of one hand while you soap yourself with the other is a new skill I have nearly mastered. However, when it comes to was.h.i.+ng your hair, you suddenly need three hands. I wish I were an octopus.
When I'm finally dry, my three small thin green prison towels are all soaking I should only have one, but thanks to Del Boy...I return to my cell, and because I'm so clean, I'm made painfully aware of the prison smell. If you've ever travelled on a train for twenty hours and then slept in a station waiting room for the next eight, you're halfway there. Once I've put back on yesterday's clothes, I pour myself another bowl of cornflakes. I think I can make the packet (1.47) last for seven helpings before I'll need to order another one. I hear my name being bellowed out by an officer on the ground floor, but decide to finish my cornflakes before reporting to him first signs of rebellion?
When I do report, Mr Bentley tells me that there's a parcel for me in reception. This time no one escorts me on the journey, or bothers to search me when I arrive. The parcel turns out to be a plastic bag full of clothes sent in by Mary: two s.h.i.+rts, five T-s.h.i.+rts, seven pairs of pants, seven pairs of socks, two pairs of gym shorts, a tracksuit, and two sweaters. The precise allocation that prison regulations permit. Once back in my cell I discard my two-day-old pants and socks to put on a fresh set of clothes, and now not only feel clean, but almost human.
I spend a considerable time arranging the rest of my clothes in the little cupboard above my bed and as it has no shelves this becomes something of a challenge.* Once I've completed the exercise, I sit on the end of the bed and wait to be called for church.
10.39 am My name is among several others bellowed out by the officer at the front desk on the ground floor, followed by the single word 'church'. All those wis.h.i.+ng to attend the service report to the middle landing and wait by the barred gate near the bubble. Waiting in prison for your next activity is not unlike hanging around for the next bus. It might come along in a few moments, or you may have to wait for half an hour. Usually the latter.
While I'm standing there, Fletch joins me on the second-floor landing to warn me that there's an article in the News of the World suggesting that I'm 'lording it' over the other prisoners. Apparently I roam around in the unrestricted areas in a white s.h.i.+rt, watching TV, while all the other prisoners are locked up. He says that although everyone on the spur knows it's a joke, the rest of the block (three other spurs) do not. Fletch advises me to avoid the exercise yard today, as someone might want 'to make something of it'.
The more attentive readers will recall that my white s.h.i.+rt was taken away from me last week because I could be mistaken for an officer; my feeble attempt to watch cricket on TV ended in having to follow the progress of the King George and Queen Elizabeth Stakes; and by now all of you know how many hours I've been locked in my cell. How the News of the World can get every fact wrong surprises even me.
The heavy, barred gate on the middle floor is eventually opened, and I join prisoners from the other three spurs who wish to attend the morning service. Although everyone is searched, they now hardly bother with me.
The process has become not unlike going through a customs check at Heathrow. There are two searchers on duty this morning, one male and one female officer. I notice the queue to be searched by the woman is longer than the one for the man. One of the lifers whispers, 'They can't add anything to your sentence for what you're thinking.'
When I enter the chapel I return to my place in the second row. This time the congregation is almost 80 per cent black, despite the population of the prison being around fifty-fifty. The service is conducted by a white officer from the Salvation Army, and his small band of singers are also all white.
When I next see Mr Powe, I must remember to tell him how many churches, not so far away from Belmarsh, have magnificent black choirs and amazing preachers who encourage you to cry Alleluia. Something else I learnt when I was candidate for Mayor.
This week I notice that the congregation is roughly split in two, with a sort of demarcation zone about halfway back. The prisoners seated in the first eight rows have only one purpose to follow every line in the Bible that the Chaplain refers to, to sing at the top of their voices and partic.i.p.ate fully in the spirit of the service. The back nine rows show scant interest in proceedings, and I observe that they have formed smaller groups of two, three or four, their heads bowed deep in conversation. I a.s.sume they're friends from different spurs and find the service one of the few opportunities to meet up, chat, and pa.s.s on messages. Quite possibly even drugs if they are willing to go through a fairly humiliating process.*
The Chaplain's text this Sunday comes from the Gospel of St John, and concentrates in particular on the prodigal son. Last week it was Cain and Abel. I can only a.s.sume that next week it will be Honour Among Thieves.
The Chaplain tells his flock that he is only going to speak to them for five minutes, and then addresses us for twelve, but to be fair, he was quite regularly interrupted with cries of 'Alleluia', and 'Bless us, Lord'. The Chaplain's theme is that if you leave the bosom of your family, try to make it alone, and things go wrong, it doesn't mean that your father won't welcome you back if you are willing to admit you've made mistakes. Many of those in the front four rows start jumping up and down and cheering.
After the service is over, and we have all been searched again, I'm escorted back to House Block One, but not before several inmates from Block Three come across to say h.e.l.lo. Remember Mark, Kevin and Dave? I'm brought up to date with all of their hopes and expectations as we slowly make our way back to our separate blocks. No one moves quickly in prison, because it's just another excuse to spend more time out of your cell. As I pa.s.s the desk at the end of my spur, I spot a pile of Sunday newspapers. The News of the World is by far the most popular, followed by the Sunday Mirror, but there is also quite a large order for the Sunday Times.
When I return to my cell, I find my room has been swept and tidied, and my bed made up with clean sheets. I'm puzzled, because there was nothing in the prison handbook about room service. I find out later that Taal (Ghanaian, murder, lifer) wants to thank me for helping him write a letter to his mother.
Returning favours is far more commonplace in prison than it is outside.
12 noon Lunch: grated cheese, a tomato, a green apple and a mug of Highland Spring. I'm running out of water and will in future have to order more bottles of Highland Spring and less chocolate from the canteen.
After lunch I sit down to write the second draft of this morning's script, as I won't be let out again until four, and then only for forty-five minutes. I clean my and notice that without thinking, I've begun to split my double Kleenex tissue so that I can make the maximum use of both sheets.
4.00 pm a.s.sociation. During the hour break, I don't join the others in the yard for exercise because of the News of the World article, which means I'll be stuck inside all day. I can't remember the last time I remained indoors for twenty-four hours.
I join Fletch (murder) in his cell, along with Billy (murder) and Tony (marijuana only, escaped to Paris). They're discussing in great detail an article in the Sunday Times about paedophiles, and I find myself listening intently. Because on this subject, as in many others concerning what goes on in prison, I recall Lord Longford's words, 'Don't a.s.sume all prisoners have fixed views.' I feel on safer ground when the discussion turns to the Tory Party leaders.h.i.+p. Only Tony, who reads The Times, can be described as a committed liberalist. Most of the others, if they are anything, are New Labour. *
They all agree that Ken Clarke is a decent enough sort of bloke pint at the local and all that, and not interested in his appearance, but they know very little about Iain Duncan Smith, other than he comes from the right wing of the Party and therefore has to be their enemy. I suggest that it's never quite that simple. IDS has clear views on most issues, and they shouldn't just label him in that cliched way. He's a complex and thoughtful man his father, I remind them, was a Second World War hero, flying Spitfires against the Germans and winning the DSO and Bar. They like that. I suspect if we were at war now, his son would be doing exactly the same thing.
'But he has the same instincts as Ann Widdecombe,' says Fletch. 'Bang 'em up and throw away the key.'