Part 20 (1/2)
Edith was on her feet with outstretched arms between them. ”Stand back, Nigel! He is small and weak. You would not do him a hurt! Did you not say so this very day? For G.o.d's sake, Nigel, do not look at him so!
There is death in your eyes.”
”A snake may be small and weak, Edith, yet every honest man would place his heel upon it. Do you stand back yourself, for my purpose is set.”
”Paul!” she turned her eyes to the pale sneering face. ”Bethink you, Paul! Why should you not do what he asks? What matter to you whether it be now or on Monday? I pray you, dear Paul, for my sake let him have his way! Your brother can read the service again if it so please him. Let us wed now, Paul, and then all is well.”
He had risen from his chair, and he dashed aside her appealing hands.
”You foolish woman,” he snarled, ”and you, my savior of fair damsels, who are so bold against a cripple, you have both to learn that if my body be weak there is the soul of my breed within it! To marry because a boasting, ranting, country Squire would have me do so--no, by the soul of G.o.d, I will die first! On Monday I will marry, and no day sooner, so let that be your answer.”
”It is the answer that I wished,” said Nigel, ”for indeed I see no happiness in this marriage, and the other may well be the better way.
Stand aside, Edith!” He gently forced her to one side and drew his sword.
De la Fosse cried aloud at the sight. ”I have no sword. You would not murder me?” said he, leaning back with haggard-face and burning eyes against his chair. The bright steel shone in the lamp-light. Edith shrank back, her hand over her face.
”Take this sword!” said Nigel, and he turned the hilt to the cripple.
”Now!” he added, as he drew his hunting knife. ”Kill me if you can, Paul de la Fosse, for as G.o.d is my help I will do as much for you!”
The woman, half swooning and yet spellbound and fascinated, looked on at that strange combat. For a moment the cripple stood with an air of doubt, the sword grasped in his nerveless fingers. Then as he saw the tiny blade in Nigel's hand the greatness of the advantage came home to him, and a cruel smile tightened his loose lips. Slowly, step by step he advanced, his chin sunk upon his chest, his eyes glaring from under the thick tangle of his brows like fires through the brushwood. Nigel waited for him, his left hand forward, his knife down by his hip, his face grave, still and watchful.
Nearer and nearer yet, with stealthy step, and then with a bound and a cry of hatred and rage Paul de la Fosse had sped his blow. It was well judged and well swung, but point would have been wiser than edge against that supple body and those active feet. Quick as a flash, Nigel had sprung inside the sweep of the blade, taking a flesh wound on his left forearm, as he pressed it under the hilt. The next instant the cripple was on the ground and Nigel's dagger was at his throat.
”You dog!” he whispered. ”I have you at my mercy! Quick ere I strike, and for the last time! Will you marry or no?”
The crash of the fall and the sharp point upon his throat had cowed the man's spirit. He looked up with a white face and the sweat gleamed upon his forehead. There was terror in his eyes.
”Nay, take your knife from me!” he cried. ”I cannot die like a calf in the shambles.”
”Will you marry?”
”Yes, yes, I will wed her! After all she is a good wench and I might do worse. Let me up! I tell you I will marry her! What more would you have?”
Nigel stood above him with his foot upon his misshapen body. He had picked up his sword, and the point rested upon the cripple's breast.
”Nay, you will bide where you are! If you are to live--and my conscience cries loud against it--at least your wedding will be such as your sins have deserved. Lie there, like the crushed worm that you are!” Then he raised his voice. ”Father Athanasius!” he cried. ”What ho! Father Athanasius!”
The old priest ran to the cry, and so did the Lady Mary. A strange sight it was that met them now in the circle of light, the frightened girl, half-unconscious against the table, the prostrate cripple, and Nigel with foot and sword upon his body.
”Your book, father!” cried Nigel. ”I know not if what we do is good or ill; but we must wed them, for there is no way out.”
But the girl by the table had given a great cry, and she was clinging and sobbing with her arms round her sister's neck.
”Oh, Mary, I thank the Virgin that you have come! I thank the Virgin that it is not too late! What did he say? He said that he was a de la Fosse and that he would not be married at the sword-point. My heart went out to him when he said it. But I, am I not a b.u.t.testhorn, and shall it be said that I would marry a man who could be led to the altar with a knife at his throat? No, no, I see him as he is! I know him now, the mean spirit, the lying tongue! Can I not read in his eyes that he has indeed deceived me, that he would have left me as you say that he has left others? Take me home, Mary, my sister, for you have plucked me back this night from the very mouth of h.e.l.l!”
And so it was that the master of Shalford, livid and brooding, was left with his wine at his lonely table, while the golden beauty of Cosford, hot with shame and anger, her fair face wet with tears, pa.s.sed out safe from the house of infamy into the great calm and peace of the starry night.
And now the season of the moonless nights was drawing nigh and the King's design was ripe. Very secretly his preparations were made.