Part 27 (2/2)
Deacon clenched his teeth but did not look up. He could have struck him down for those words. ”You'll not touch her,” he said, thrusting him aside. ”I would sooner burn her!”
For several minutes Cedrik preserved a respectful silence, then crouched down. ”Will you let me see the extent of your injury?” Cedrik attempted once to turn him, then left him there. Like some wounded animal, Deacon would not let any separate him from the death-like form to which he clung.
”Don't touch her! You'll not put her in the ground.”
”You're bleeding,” Cedrik pleaded.
”It's not mine, it's hers.” Burying his face against her, he broke down altogether, sobbing despondent words. Cedrik arose and stood a moment at a loss. His cousin's grief moved him to tears. Soon Cedrik went away, leaving him still sitting there on the ground, bent over.
The night had set in dark and mournful. Not knowing what else to do, Cedrik started a fire. He said not a word, stricken with the same grief as Derek. They did not want to remain here but were too weary to move on. The shadowy presences, lurking in the darkness, posed no threat, but feeling their ever-present evil added to the weight of their already burdened hearts. Often their gazes went over to Deacon, but neither dared approach him. Alone and despondent with exhausted grief, he was as motionless as the form he lay beside. He had the look of a man who had been robbed of his last motive for existence. His face was set, lifeless and with resignation, as though he awaited his own death.
Lying here, he was left with the anguish of consciousness, while she was lost deep in oblivion. He continued to gaze upon the unearthly loveliness. Its mysterious appearance of life with no consciousness in it possessed him with a feeling that in this state she would endlessly endure, in this changeless unawakening repose, and he would be left alone. He could not endure the thought of his loneliness. He hid his face against her. Deep strong sobs convulsed his body.
Half the night Deacon remained in this condition of lifelessness. Every now and then his frame would shudder. This was a great relief to Cedrik, to see there was life in him still. Cedrik could not sleep, but kept close observation of his cousin.
His brother, who had unwillingly fallen into an unhappy somnolence, lay near to him. Sometime late in the night, exhaustion weighing heavily, Cedrik closed his eyes briefly. He didn't realize it, but he must have slept, if only for a few minutes, for when he opened his eyes he discovered that though Magenta remained, Deacon was gone. His cloak was draped over her, as if she was merely sleeping.
Tree of Life Tree of Life Part II Part II June 2011 June 2011