Part 40 (2/2)

”How many,” Barrington whispered, not asking information, but rather confirmation of his own estimate.

”Several,” Seth answered.

”Tramps, perhaps, lodging here for the night.”

”I fear not. They are on the stairs. We shall soon see,” answered Seth.

”Lock the door; we must wait,” said Barrington.

It was done in a moment, and immediately there were stealthy, shuffling feet in the pa.s.sage without.

”Curse them,” muttered Seth. ”I have been followed. For all my care I have brought you into ruin. What can we do?”


”Master Richard, is there no other way of escape from that roof below?”


Jeanne's hand was still in his, still holding him tightly. He could not feel that she trembled, yet he could not trust himself to speak to her.

He had failed to rescue her. There were many in the pa.s.sage without, he was sure of that. He could fight for her, die for her, but he could not save her. He dared not speak to her lest he should cry out in the anguish of his soul.

The handle of the door was tried, gently. Then there was silence again.

”Give us the woman and you may go free.”

The words were not spoken loudly. It seemed like the offer of a secret bargain, a suggestion in it that the woman might not hear, and might never know that her companions had betrayed her to save themselves.

Then Jeanne spoke, in a whisper but quite clearly.

”It is the end. You have done all that a man could do. I thank you--I thank you; and you, too, Seth. A woman never had truer friends.”

She stretched out a hand to Seth, who caught it almost roughly and pressed his lips to it.

There was pressure upon the door, and the cracking of the wood.

”There's quick death for the first man who crosses this threshold,” Seth muttered as he went to the door.

”Richard! Richard!”


Barrington's head was lowered as he whispered her name. It seemed as though failure had made him ashamed.

”I know your secret, dear, I know it and am glad,” she whispered. ”I thank G.o.d that I am loved by such a man. I would rather be where I am at this moment, by your side, than in the place of any other woman in the world, however free she may be. Richard, kiss me.”

”Jeanne! Jeanne!” he cried as he caught her in his arms. ”I love you! I love you! G.o.d, send a miracle to help us.”
