Part 25 (1/2)

”I should be inclined to let circ.u.mstances prevent it,” said Seth. ”I have not much faith in the help of a man who is so sure of his own cleverness that he takes the woman he loves to the very place where a child might know she would be in the greatest danger.”

”I cannot understand that, I must confess, Seth.”

”Well, Master Richard, I've always found it a good rule to have as little as possible to do with people you don't understand.”

It was wise advice, perhaps, but the fact that Barrington had accused himself of entertaining a selfish hope that Lucien Bruslart was not a worthy man inclined him to believe in him, to trust him. He had, indeed, greater reason to do so now that grave suspicion was attached to Latour.

There was nothing of the despair of last night in Bruslart's manner to-day when Barrington saw him. It had not been replaced by confidence, but a dogged purpose was in his face, and a calm calculation in his words.

”I have done something but not much,” he said. ”After leaving you last evening, I fell in with a lot of patriots and I was quickly aware that I was in greater danger than I had imagined. I had to think of myself, for once my word is discredited, all my power to help mademoiselle is gone.”

”Have you succeeded in re-establis.h.i.+ng your credit?”

”I think so. I understand the mob and played to it. I had to lie of course, lies are the chief currency in Paris to-day. I knew nothing of mademoiselle's coming, I said; I did not even know the name of the aristocrat who had been arrested in my apartment, and naturally, as a true patriot I rejoiced at her arrest. I was considered a very fine fellow before the evening was out.”

”But mademoiselle was not helped much,” said Barrington.

”Not at all. I could not move on her behalf until this morning. First I have ascertained that her imprisonment in the Abbaye is so far fortunate, since it means that there is no desire to bring her to trial hurriedly. This gives us time. Then I have interviewed one or two members of the Convention. I need not tell you, Monsieur Barrington, that most of these men who are striving for individual power are afraid of one another. Each one wants staunch supporters and is ready to pay any price for them. It is worth while obtaining my support, so these men listened earnestly to me. They are inclined to help me.”

”How?” asked Barrington.

”It is too early to decide, but I am hoping that we shall be able to show that mademoiselle was in Paris for a legitimate purpose, to help the distress in the city, for example; something, at any rate, to make the mob shout for her release. That way her prison doors would be quickly opened. The respite might be short lived, but it would be long enough. Then would come your part of the work, to see her safely back to Beauvais.”

”And what further steps can you take towards this end?”

”Careful ones,” Bruslart answered. ”First gain the interest of other members of the Convention; secondly, let the reason for mademoiselle's return gradually be known among the poor in the Faubourg St. Antoine, and elsewhere. I can drop a spark or two in different directions, and the mob is tow. The fire will spread.”

”But if it does not?” asked Barrington.

”You are depressing, monsieur.”

”I want to act.”

”It must be with caution,” said Bruslart, ”and with deceit. We can make no appeal to justice, because justice does not exist in Paris.”

”I have nothing to say against your plans,” Barrington returned. ”I am only wondering whether we cannot work in another direction as well, so that if one way fail we may have the other to fall back on.”

”You are still thinking of the power of gold.”

”It seldom fails with such men as seem to be the rulers in Paris,” said Barrington.

”Perhaps not, but it would fail now. Power is more to these men than gold. The one can be used and gloried in, evidence of the other would only make the mob suspicious. Is there any other way you can suggest?”

Barrington was thoughtful for a moment, making up his mind whether he should tell Lucien Bruslart of Latour's movements.

”No,” he said slowly, ”I have no other suggestion to make.”

”I have every hope of success,” said Bruslart, ”but I am going to appear discourteous, Monsieur Barrington. It is necessary that I shall be considered a patriot of patriots, nothing must jeopardize such a character at the present time. Now it is more than probable that there are men in Paris who saw you at the barriers with mademoiselle, it would be dangerous to my character if you were seen visiting me.”

”I understand.”