Part 9 (1/2)

”I did,” said Tom. ”I thought maybe he was Mr. Fernald, though.”

”No, you won't see Josh much. He lives around the corner there in The Cottage. You'll be lucky if you don't see him, too. When you call on Josh it's usually because you've been and gone and done something. He will be at Faculty Reception to-morrow evening, though. That's in Upper Hall at eight o'clock. Better go, fellows; everyone does. Have you met your Hall Master, Mr. Daley?”

”Yes, we stopped in at his room after supper,” answered Steve. ”Is he----” He hesitated.

Miller laughed. ”Go on and say it, Edwards! Is he what?”

”I was going to ask if he was liked.”

”Oh, yes, Daley's all right. Rather shy, but he's young yet. This is only his second year. You'll like him better when you've known him awhile. What form are you fellows in?”

”Fourth. At least, we hope we are.”

”Oh, you'll make it. They'll put you in, anyway, and then drop you back if you don't keep up. That's a pleasant little trick of theirs here.

You'll have Daley in French and German. Take my advice and don't have fun with him just because you can. Most of the new fellows try to make life a burden to him because he gets kind of rattled and tries to swallow his tongue when he talks. But they're generally sorry for it later. He stands about so much and then--bing! Off you go to Jos.h.!.+ And here's another tip, fellows. Always be dead serious with 'Uncle Sim.'

That's Mr. Simkins, Greek instructor. If you can look as if you'd lost all your friends and bitten your tongue you'll make a big hit with him.

He doesn't know a joke even when it's labelled and can't stand any flippancy. I made a pun in cla.s.s once; I've forgotten what it was, but it was a bright and scintillant little effort; and Uncle Sim told me I'd end on the gallows. He's never forgotten that and still views me with deep suspicion.”

”We will try to remember,” laughed Steve. ”I suppose you are in the Sixth Form?”

”Yes, this is my last year here. I ought to have been out last year, but I slipped a cog when I first came and got dropped a form. You see, I made the mistake of thinking that the branches were Football, Baseball and Hockey. When I'd woke up to the fact that a little attention to mathematics and languages and such foolishness was required it was too late, and--plop!--sound of falling!”

Steve recalled a similar warning of his father's and silently made up his mind then and there to not make Miller's mistake.

”Do you play football?” asked Tom. ”I mean, are you on the team?”

”Yes, I--I'm on the team.” Miller's smile had an odd quality that puzzled Tom at the moment. ”You chaps know the game?”

”Steve has played more than I have,” replied Tom. ”He was on our high school team at left end last year. He's pretty good, Steve is. I didn't make the 'Varsity, but I played a couple of years with the scrubs.”

”Tom plays a good game,” said Steve. ”I suppose it's pretty hard to get on the team here.”

”About the same as anywhere,” answered Miller. ”If you show the goods you're all right.” He viewed Steve speculatively and then turned an appraising gaze on Tom. ”You chaps look pretty fit for this time of year. What do you weigh, Edwards?”

[Ill.u.s.tration: Steve slipped on the tiling and fell sidewise into the water]

”About a hundred and thirty-eight.”

”You look solid, too,” said Miller approvingly. ”You chaps show up in togs day after to-morrow at four. Look me up and I'll see that you get a good chance to show what you can do. Where have you played, Hall?”

”At tackle, mostly. I played half a little last fall.”

”You look rather likely, I think. Don't be disappointed if you don't make the first or second this year, fellows. Keep going. There's your hall team. Try for that. You'll get lots of good fun and experience. I tell you this not to discourage you but because we've kept a lot of last year's fellows and it's going to be harder than usual to break into the first team, I guess. And that means that a good many of the second team fellows will be disappointed and will have to stay where they are. Hard on them, but lucky for the school. I don't know whether you chaps understand the football situation with us?”

”I don't believe so,” replied Steve.

”Well, it's like this. When I came here four years ago there wasn't any team. Before that, five or six years before, they'd played, but about that time football got into disfavour and the faculty stopped it. I believe they allowed the hall teams to play, but that didn't last long.

My second year here they lifted the ban and we started a team. Of course it didn't amount to much that first year and we got licked right and left. The next year, though, we did a good deal better, and last year we turned out a mighty good team. We lost only two games out of nine and tied one. Unfortunately, though, one of the games we lost was the game with Claflin, which is our big game of the year. Claflin has beaten us three years running now and this year we're out for revenge with a rolling R. Considering that we've played only three seasons, we've got a pretty good start. Our coach is a dandy, a chap named Robey; played with Brown the year they downed Pennsy; and he's been building up this year's team ever since he started in. At first we didn't have more than forty candidates to choose from. Last year about sixty fellows turned out and this fall I guess we'll have nearer eighty. Robey started the hall teams up again year before last and that helped a lot. The best of the hall team chaps went into the second last year, and now, this year, we've got fellows with three years' experience behind them. So, you see, Edwards, we haven't got much football history at Brimfield and our system is still pretty new, but we're getting on! And this fall if we don't lick Claflin--well, if we don't, I'll have missed my guess.”