Part 17 (1/2)
”I propose that we consult Selim,” said Halliday. ”He has been making inquiries about the country, and has picked up a good deal of information which might be useful to us.”
”I am sure, from what he has said to me lately, that he can be trusted, and that he is as anxious to escape as we are,--so I agree with you, Halliday,” I said. ”Perhaps the sheikh will allow him to accompany me; if so, he will be of great a.s.sistance in enabling me to find you out. I might ask to have him, on the plea that he understands the language of the people.”
My companions agreed to this proposal, and I undertook at once to pet.i.tion the sheikh that he would allow me to take Selim. It was also settled that my friends should endeavour to escape from the camp exactly twelve days after I had left it, when they were to make their way along the banks of the river for six days, and then look out for me. I undertook, on my part, to return eastward for the same length of time, also keeping as closely as possible to the river. By this plan we had good hopes of meeting, though we could not conceal from ourselves that there were many dangers to be encountered; but yet no more feasible plan presented itself.
So confident did I feel in Selim's honesty, that, without speaking to him, I at once went back to the sheikh and boldly requested that he might be allowed to accompany me. To my great satisfaction, he at once consented.
”He is a sharp lad, and you will find him of great use on your journey,”
he added.
Selim, whom I soon afterwards found, was greatly pleased at what I told him.
”We may hope, then, to shake the dust of the camp off our feet for the last time,” he said quietly.
I had fixed my eyes on Selim's countenance as he spoke. He turned his on me with so honest a look, that I was more than ever convinced he was sincere. I took his hand, and said,--”We understand each other, then; if we escape to my country, notwithstanding the difference in the colour of our skins you shall be my friend for life.”
”I hope so,” he answered. ”Though we may be wide apart, our hearts may be joined; and we may meet above, in that happy land to which all Christians are bound.”
I had no longer a shade of doubt as to Selim proving faithful.
Next morning Selim and I, according to the sheikh's directions, waited outside the camp, when he, his brother Abdalah, and two other chiefs appeared, conducting a couple of camels. On the first was placed a palanquin of wicker-work, ornamented with silk hangings, and a tuft of feathers on the top. Within it was seated a veiled lady and three small children, whose black curly heads made them look more like negroes than Arabs. There was apparently some mystery in the matter, into which it was not my business to inquire. Leading the other camel, which was laden with provisions and a small tent, were two guides, both of whom were negroes, though dressed in the Arab fas.h.i.+on. The sheikh then uttered a benediction on the occupant of the palanquin and her young family, and ordered us to advance. The guides, with Selim, went first, by the side of the baggage camel; and I, with the veiled lady, followed.
Whether I was to see her face or not, I could not tell, nor was I very curious about piercing the mystery connected with her.
The sun was still rising at our backs, as, moving forward at a tolerably quick pace, we soon lost sight of the camp.
We had gone several miles, Selim always keeping ahead with the guides, with whom he was apparently engaged in an interesting conversation. I was already beginning to feel somewhat tired, when a voice from the palanquin desired me to take out one of the children, as the little urchin had a fancy to be carried instead of being cooped up within it.
Unwilling to disoblige the lady, I obeyed; so, placing the child on my shoulder, we again moved on--though, as I dragged my weary limbs along, I felt very much inclined to let the young urchin drop. Feeling, at last, that I could no longer carry him, I begged the veiled lady to take him in again; but she, looking on me as a slave bound to obey her commands, replied that he preferred riding on my back, and that I must carry him as long as he wished. Accordingly, to avoid a dispute, I again took up the urchin and staggered on, strengthened by the hope that my days of slavery would soon come to an end.
I had not forgotten my suspicions about Antonio, and wondered whether he was still in the neighbourhood, or if he had observed us quitting the camp. If so, I had little doubt that he would follow in our footsteps, and attack us should he find an opportunity. He might, indeed, at the present moment be stealing upon us to shoot me, and carry off the lady, before the guards could be aware of his approach. As may be supposed, therefore, I very frequently turned my head anxiously round, almost expecting to see him. I also began to think that the sheikh had acted very imprudently in sending the lady with so small an escort, and I regretted that I had not begged to have a greater number of guards; at the same time, it occurred to me that I should have had more difficulty in escaping from them than from the two men who accompanied us.
The thought of the possibility of being suddenly attacked by Antonio added not a little to the annoyance I felt at having to carry the little blackamoor. Still, unwilling to offend his mother, I went on without complaining as long as I could walk. I felt very much inclined, I confess, to pinch his legs and make him cry out, especially when he amused himself by pulling at my hair, evidently thinking it very good fun.
We had gone some distance when, turning my head, I saw--not Antonio, but a large panther, stealing out from a thicket at some distance on our left, and approaching us with stealthy steps. ”Now, lady, unless you wish your child to be gobbled up by yonder monster, you must take him,”
I cried, throwing the urchin, without waiting for a reply, into the palanquin, and shouting out to Selim and the guides to come to my a.s.sistance, as I had only my pistol slung to my back--a very unsatisfactory weapon with which to encounter a wild beast. The guides had carbines and spears, indeed; but it was a question whether they would use them or run away.
Selim at once gave proof of his courage and fidelity, however, by s.n.a.t.c.hing a carbine from one of his companions, and rus.h.i.+ng back at full speed towards me. ”Don't fire your pistol,” he cried out; ”keep that, lest my carbine fail to kill the beast.”
The panther came on, in spite of the shouts which the guides set up, while they waved their cloaks and spears, and did their utmost to frighten it away. When within about a hundred yards of us, however, the savage creature stopped. This encouraged the guides, who now moved hesitatingly towards us. But again the panther crept on, though with less boldness than at first, as if it had expected to pick off the rearmost of the party, and was disappointed in its object. Seeing that should we move on the panther would follow with rapid bounds, I ordered the guides to stand still; and s.n.a.t.c.hing the carbine from Selim's hand, I knelt down that I might take a surer aim. Knowing, however, that the Arabs' powder is often very bad, and that, consequently, their weapons frequently miss fire, I felt very doubtful whether such might not be the case on the present occasion.
”Silence!” I cried out to my companions, who were still shouting and hurling fearful epithets at the head of the panther. ”Only cry out should it attempt to spring.”
The savage brute came on, and was now within twenty paces. Two or three bounds might bring it upon us. So, praying that my weapon might prove faithful, I drew the trigger, aiming at the panther's breast. The piece going off, I was knocked over by the rebound; for the owner, in loading it, had put in a double charge: indeed, it was a wonder that it did not burst. When the smoke cleared away, I caught sight of the panther struggling on the ground, a few paces only in advance of the spot where I had last seen it; and the Arabs, shouting ”E'sheetan! E'sheetan!” now rus.h.i.+ng forward, plunged their spears into the creature's body, uttering a curse with every thrust they gave it.
”Allah akbar!” exclaimed one. ”It was a regular Jin.”
”No doubt about it. You Nazarene have done well; for if you had not killed him, he might have carried one or all of us off,” cried the other.
I felt very thankful at having succeeded, because I had not only killed the panther, but had risen considerably in the estimation of my companions. I should have liked to have had the animal's skin; but I was unwilling to delay our journey, and we therefore pushed on. I beckoned to Selim to walk alongside me; and I still carried the carbine, which I had reloaded from the guide's pouch.