Part 7 (1/2)

”Of course, Mr Boxall, you will take command of the raft,” said Ben, touching his hat; ”and maybe you will think fit to pipe to breakfast, as, I dare say, Mr Blore and Mr Halliday are getting hungry again.”

”That I will, very gladly,” said Boxall; ”and I will try, at all events, to do my best for all hands.”

”Hungry! I should think I am,” exclaimed Halliday.

We had some more fish, with some biscuit,--which, though soaked in salt water, afforded nourishment. The fish we could eat raw better than some salt pork which Ben told me he had on board. Although our food was not palatable, we had not much apprehension of starving. We were chiefly anxious about water, of which our supply was very small; and we could not help being struck by Ben's fidelity in coming to look for us, knowing, as he must, that we should consume so much of the precious liquid, which was little more than sufficient for himself and his companion.

The day wore on, and still no breeze got up. ”I wish that we had had an oar apiece, as we might then have had better hopes of making progress with the raft towards the sh.o.r.e,” I observed. Halliday, however, declared that he thought we were pretty well off as we were,--as it would be a pity to exert ourselves, and to find that after all it was of no use; for a strong breeze from the sh.o.r.e would send us back in an hour the distance we had made good during a day's labour.

”Still, if every day we make some progress, when the breeze does come from the westward we shall be so much nearer the sh.o.r.e,” observed Boxall. ”Therefore we ought, while we have strength, to do our best to urge on our raft.”

Though we were all agreed as to the wisdom of this, yet the sun came down with such strength on our heads that we had little inclination to exert ourselves. We had also hopes that, when the breeze did get up, a sail might come near us. This, perhaps, made us exert ourselves less than we should otherwise have done.

The large raft, I should have said, was still in sight; and, looking through my telescope, I could see the people moving about on it,-- though, as far as I could judge, there were fewer than there had been when we left it. What had become of the others? Too probably many had been killed by the ruffianly mutineers; and some, having succ.u.mbed to hunger and thirst, had been thrown overboard.

As the day wore on, we could not help acknowledging that we felt weaker than we had been, while a strong inclination to sleep overpowered us.

So, while we waited anxiously for a breeze, we spent some hours sleeping under the sail,--persuading ourselves that we should be better able to row during the cool hours of night, when we determined to set manfully to work.

I may venture to say, though I have not before taken notice of it, that a feeling of compa.s.sion made us unwilling to desert altogether the unfortunate people still on the raft until, for our own safety, we were compelled to do so. Before long, it was but too probable, their numbers would be greatly diminished. Already six of the mutineers had lost their lives, and their fate would, we hoped, be a warning to the others; perhaps, too, the better disposed people might gain the upper hand.

”Whether we can venture to take them off now, is a question,” observed Boxall; ”but we may possibly be able to reach the sh.o.r.e and gain a.s.sistance for them: and it would certainly tend to prevent them giving way to despair, could we, before we leave the neighbourhood, tell them of our intentions.”

Halliday and I acquiesced in this; Ben was doubtful.

”After the spirit they have shown, I am afraid it would be of no use, sir,” he observed. ”They are not to be dealt with like Englishmen; and if we go near them, they will only try to get hold of our raft. I will ask Jose what he thinks.”

The Spaniard shook his head. ”They will not believe us, senor,” he answered. ”Our officers having deserted them, they will not believe that a party of foreigners can intend to treat them with better faith.

As they have killed my poor brother, one of the best of men, so they will try to kill us.”

I could not help thinking that there was much force in what Jose said; still, until a breeze should get up, we agreed to remain where we were.

Another day came to a close. Occasionally we could see the triangular fins of sharks gliding round the raft, their wicked eyes turned up towards us; but they made no attempt to attack us. After supper we again held a discussion as to what was best to be done. At last compa.s.sion gained the day, and we agreed to approach the large raft sufficiently near to hail the people, and to tell them that we would, if possible, send them a.s.sistance.

”You will do so at great risk,” said Jose. ”I warn you of that; but, at the same time, I will not be the one to oppose your kind intentions towards my countrymen.”

We accordingly took our oars and began slowly to approach the large raft. As we drew near, we could hear the voices of the people on it; some shouting in hoa.r.s.e tones, others shrieking and crying out, as if imploring mercy.

”It is useless to go on, senors,” said Jose. ”They will not listen to reason.”

Still, impelled by a feeling superadded to that of the compa.s.sion which chiefly influenced us, and for which I can scarcely now account,-- resembling that which is said to induce birds or other animals to hurry forward into the open mouth of the serpent,--we continued to row towards the fatal raft. Perhaps, too, Boxall, who was the person to order us to stop, still hoped that our presence, and the promise we were about to give, might induce the people to remain quiet till a.s.sistance could reach them.

At length we got near enough to hail; but it was some time before we could make our voices heard, or the uproar ceased. I desired Jose to tell them what we intended doing.

”Come nearer, come nearer,” was the answer. ”Give us a little water and a little food; and if you will take two of our number,--only two,--who are suffering greatly, it will show us that you are in earnest, and that you wish to save our lives.”

”Don't trust them, don't trust them, senor,” cried Jose, in an agony of fear. ”They don't mean what they say. If once we get within their power, they will detain us.”

I told Boxall what Jose said. He still hesitated, however. Just then I felt the wind fan my cheek.

”Here comes a breeze from the westward,” shouted Ben.