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TBoSP Chapter 4 - It spoke!

She did not know how long she's been unconscious. Mu Tang Chun felt a stinging cold stare bore deep into her. A great sense of discomfort wells up within her subconsciousness.

As she drifted off, a white snake coiled her body up tightly. It opened its jaws wide, the fangs s.h.i.+mmered in the dark as it moves closer to swallow her head whole.

AHHHH! This is scary!!

Mu Tang Chun screamed and jolted awake.

The very next second, she ran out of breath to even speak. H-Heavens... The exact same snake is now right in front of her eyes, staring back at her. The very same disgusting, huge snake had it's beady eyes on her, unmoved and still.


Mu Tang Chun pupils widened with fear. Her pet.i.te frame s.h.i.+vered.

She finally understood the entire situation. This snake is the mysterious object which fell from the sky and coincidentally, onto her head. It's size then got really big all of a sudden, which scared her, and she fainted.

*sobs* Just what is going on? Is her house now haunted by a monster? A normal snake can't change their size freely like this snake right here!

Mu Tang Chun received a huge shock from her conclusion, her pupils widened even more as she stared at the impossible monstrosity in front of her.

”Mis.... Mister Snake! Please don't eat me! I-I... I'm not tasty at all!”

She stammered her words as she slowly retreated, backing away from the snake. Due to paralyzing fear, her legs are like jelly. Mu Tang Chun does not even have the strength to stand back up and flee. This is bad, she thought, as soon as she felt her back made contact with the wall. She no longer have any escape route open to her. As she backed up a step, the snake too, moved forward towards her. It has no intention of letting her escape.