Part 23 (1/2)
Directions for ensuring Personal Safety during storms of Thunder and Lightning; and for the right application of Conductors to Houses and other Buildings. By JOHN LEIGH, Esq. Third Edition. With the Instructions of the Humane Society.
”The whole of the little tract being of that plain, sensible, and accurate character, as particularly to enlighten not only the ignorant peasant, but the public in general, as to the best ascertained means of escaping destruction, or damage, from thunder storms.”--_Monthly Review, May 1._
Third Edition, with a Plate and two Diagrams. 1_s._ or 1_s._ 6_d._ bound and gilt.
WHAT IS A COMET, PAPA? or, a familiar Description of Comets; more particularly HALLEY'S COMET. To which is prefixed, a CONCISE ACCOUNT OF THE OTHER HEAVENLY BODIES. By ROSINA MARIA ZORNLIN.
”A timely question, answered after the German fas.h.i.+on, by telling plainly, 'all, how, and about it.' The first, a conversation among a family of clever children, the boy relating the leading truths of Astronomy to his sisters, while they are waiting the return of their parents: the second part is papa's own account of the pa.s.sing Comet, in answer to the question which forms the t.i.tle. Both are very well done, and the auth.o.r.ess deserves great credit for the thought and its realization.”--_Atlas, August 28._
Also, by the same Author,
THE SOLAR ECLIPSE; or, The Two Almanacs; containing more Inquiries in Astronomy. Plate and Diagrams, 1_s._; or 1_s._ 6_d._ bound and coloured.
”Just the sort of book we love to put into the hands of young persons. It invites them to inquiry, and makes them laudably curious. There is in this little work much valuable information, both on the solar system and on Comets, which, just now, will be peculiarly attractive.”--_London Journal._
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In progressive Lessons; designed to give a secure and graceful seat on Horseback; at the same time so effectually to form the Hand, that, in a short time, perfect command of the Horse may be obtained. By EDWARD STANLEY; with ill.u.s.trative plates, 10_s._ bds.
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A TREATISE ON THE CARE, TREATMENT, AND TRAINING OF THE ENGLISH RACE HORSE; with important Details applicable to bettering the Condition of Horses in general. By R. DARVILL, V.S. to the Seventh Hussars.
Ill.u.s.trated by plates. Vols. I. and II. 8vo. 1. 1_s._ each.
[***] The Third and concluding Volume is in the Press, and will shortly be published, together with a Second Edition of _Vol. I_.
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Post Octavo, 8_s._ 6_d._
THE OAKLEIGH SHOOTING CODE; containing 222 chapters relative to shooting Grouse, Partridges, Pheasants, &c. By THOMAS OAKLEIGH, Esq., with numerous Notes. Edited by the Author of _Nights at Oakleigh Old Manor Hall._