Part 23 (1/2)
But if our friends expected to reach it unmolested they were disappointed. No sooner had they increased their pace than the oxen, with snorts of rage, darted forward. The animals may have imagined they were about to be attacked, and determined to make the first move.
”Here they come!” yelled Ned.
”Sprint for it!” cried Tom.
”Oh, if I only had my gun!” groaned Abe.
It was hard work running over the ice and snow, hampered as they were with their heavy fur garments. They soon realized this, and the pace was telling on them. They were now near to the s.h.i.+p, but the savage creatures still were between them and the craft.
”Try around the other way!” directed Tom, They changed their direction, but the oxen also s.h.i.+fted their ground, and with loud bellows of rage came on, shaking their s.h.a.ggy heads and big horns, while the hair, hanging down from their sides and flanks, dragged in the snow.
”Right at 'em! Run and yell!” advised the young inventor. ”Maybe we can scare 'em!”
They followed his advice. Yelling like Indians the four rushed straight for the animals. For a moment only the creatures halted.
Then, bellowing louder than ever they rushed straight at Tom and the others.
The largest of the oxen, with a sudden swerve, made for Mr. Parker, who was slightly in the lead off to one side. In an instant the scientist was tossed high in the air, falling in a snow bank.
”Mr. Damon! Mr. Damon!” yelled Tom, frantically. ”Get a gun and shoot these beasts!”
The young inventor and his two companions had come to a halt. The oxen also stopped momentarily. Suddenly Mr. Damon appeared on the deck of the airs.h.i.+p. He held two rifles. Laying one down he aimed the other at the ox which was rus.h.i.+ng at the prostrate Mr. Parker.
The eccentric man fired. He hit the beast on the flank, and, with a bellow of rage it turned.
”Now's our time!” yelled Tom. ”Head for the s.h.i.+p, I'll get my electric gun!”
”We can't leave Mr. Parker!” yelled Abe.
But the scientist had arisen, and was running toward the RED CLOUD.
He did not seem to be much hurt. Mr. Damon fired again, hitting another beast, but not mortally.
Once more the herd of s.h.a.ggy creatures came on, but the adventurers were now almost at the s.h.i.+p, on the deck of which stood Mr. Damon, firing as fast as he could work the lever and pull the trigger.
”Keep on firing! Hold 'em back a few minutes and I'll soon turn my electric rifle loose on 'em!” yelled Tom Swift as he sprinted forward. ”Keep on shooting, Mr. Damon!”
”Bless my powder-horn! I will!” cried the excited man. ”I'll fire all the cartridges there are in the rifle!”
Which, at the rate he was discharging the weapon, would not take a long time. But it had the effect of momentarily checking the advance of the creatures.
Not for long, however. Our friends had barely reached the airs.h.i.+p, with Mr. Parker stumbling and slipping on the ice and snow, ere the musk oxen came on again, with loud bellows.
”They're going to charge the s.h.i.+p! They'll ram her!” yelled Ned Newton.
”I think I can stop them!” cried Tom, who had leaped toward his stateroom. He came out a moment later, carrying a peculiar-looking gun, The adventurers had seen it before, but never in operation, as Tom had only put some finis.h.i.+ng touches on it since undertaking the voyage to the caves of ice.
”What sort of a weapon is that?” cried Abe, as he helped Mr. Parker on board.