Part 8 (1/2)

”No, I think I'll send the airs.h.i.+p on ahead to some point in Was.h.i.+ngton--say Seattle,” replied Tom, ”put it together there, and start for the Snow Mountains. In Seattle we can get plenty of supplies and stores. It will be a good point to start from, and will save us a long, and perhaps dangerous, flight across the United States.”

”I think that will be the best plan,” agreed Mr. Swift. ”But what about Andy--do you think he'll try to follow--or try to get ahead of you now that he has a copy of the map?”

”He may,” answered Tom. ”But I have a little trick I'm going to work on Andy. I will try to learn whether he really has a copy of the map, though I'm practically certain of it. Then I'll decide what's best to do.”

”In th' meanwhile, will you be gettin' ready?” asked Abe. ”I'd like t' start as soon as we can, for it's awful cold there, the longer you wait, at this time of th' year.”

”Yes, I'll start right to work, getting the RED CLOUD in readiness to be s.h.i.+pped,” promised Tom.



”h.e.l.lo, Tom, have you heard the news?” asked Ned Newton, of the young inventor, a few days later.

”What news, Ned? I declare I've been so busy thinking out the best plan to s.h.i.+p the RED CLOUD to Seattle that I haven't been over to town. What's going on? Have they decided to build a new church in Shopton, or something like that?”

”Oh, this about Andy Foger's airs.h.i.+p.”

”Andy's airs.h.i.+p, eh? Is he still working on it?”

”It's all done, so Sam Snedecker was telling me last night, and to-day Andy is going to try to fly it.”

”You don't mean it!”

”Sure thing. Let's go over and watch him.”

”He might make a fuss, same as he did when we looked in the window of his shed.”

”He can't make any fuss now. He's got to take his machine out to fly it, and anybody that wants to can look on. Didn't he watch you make flights often enough?”

”That's so. Where is the trial flight going to take place?”

”In the big meadow. Come on over.”

”Guess I will. I can't do much more now. I've been getting some boxes and crates made in which to pack the RED CLOUD. I'll have to take her all apart.”

”Then you're really going to hunt for the valley of gold?”

”Sure thing. How about you going, Ned? I spoke to dad about it, and he said he'd see that you could have a leave of absence.”

”Yes, that part's all right. The bank president told me today I could take a vacation any time I wanted it. In fact that's what I came over to see you about. I want to thank your father.”

”Then you're going?”

”I sure am, Tom! Won't it be great! I hope I can get a little gold for myself! My folks didn't take very much to the notion of me going off in an airs.h.i.+p, but I told them how often you'd gone on trips, and come safely back, so they finally gave their consent. When are you going to start?”

”Oh, in about two weeks. Did I tell you about Andy and the map?”