Part 17 (1/2)
”Is it interesting?”
”Yes, it is.”
”You want to tell me what you're doing?”
”If I knew, I would. But I don't, so please don't embarra.s.s me by asking.”
”Fine,” Rita said. ”Have a nice day.”
We hung up. My car wouldn't last ten minutes where I was. I swung it across the street and down the alley behind Parisi Enterprises. There were three parking s.p.a.ces back there. A sign on the back of the building said ”Reserved for Parisi Enterprises. All Others Will Be Towed.” There was a car in each s.p.a.ce. I parked directly behind the maroon Chevy. I didn't want Parisi leaving before I did anyway. I took my.38 out and looked to see that there were bullets in all the proper places. I knew there would be, but it did no harm to be careful. And I'd seen Clint Eastwood do it once in the movies. Then I put the gun back on my hip, got out of the car, and strolled up the alley to the front of the building.
Parisi Enterprises didn't have a lot of overhead. The office was furnished with two gray metal desks, a gray metal table, and two swivel chairs. There was an empty pizza box on the table, and several days' worth of the Boston Herald scattered on one of the desks. The other desk held a big television set on which a talk show host was examining the issue of cross dressing with a bunch of guys in drag. Parisi had folded his coat on the empty swivel chair and put his gray homburg on top of it. He was seated behind the newspaper-littered desk talking on the phone. His hair was black and combed back in a big Ricky Ricardo pompadour that gleamed with hair spray. That he had been able to wear a hat without messing his do was a tribute to the holding power of whatever he sprayed on it. He didn't look too tall, but he was fat enough to make up for it. Under his several chins he wore a white spread collar attached to a blue striped s.h.i.+rt. His tie was blue silk, and his blue double breasted suit must have cost him better than a grand because it almost fit him. He crooked the phone in his shoulder when I came ”Wait a minute,” he said into the phone, ”a guy came in.”
He spoke to me. ”Whaddya want?” he said.
”You Bruce Parisi?” I said.
”You a cop?” he said.
”Then take a hike,” he said. ”I'm on the phone.”
”Hang it up,” I said.
”f.u.c.k you, pal.”
I walked over to the wall and yanked the phone wire from the phone jack. Parisi looked as if he couldn't believe what he had just seen.
”What are you, f.u.c.king crazy, you walk in here to my office and f.u.c.k with me?”
He let the phone fall from his shoulder as he stood and his hand reached toward his hip. I hit him with all the left hook I had handy and knocked him backwards over the swivel chair and into the wall behind it. The swivel chair skittered on its casters like something alive, the seat spinning and cras.h.i.+ng into the desk as Parisi slid down the wall and landed on the floor, with one foot bent under him and the other tangled in the chair. I got a hold of his big pompadour and dragged him to his feet and slammed him face first against the wall. On his hip was a Berretta.380 in a black leather holster, the skimpy kind of holster that allows the gun barrel to stick through. I took the Berretta out of the holster and dropped it in the pocket of my coat and stepped away from him. He didn't move. He stood with his face pressed against the wall, his hands at his sides.
”Gimme a day, two at the most, I'm working on a thing. I'll have the money by tomorrow,” he said.
”I'm not here about money,” I said.
”What do you want?” he said into the wall.
”I want to know why four stiffs came to my office and threatened me if I didn't drop the Ellis Alves case.”
”I don't know,” he said. ”Why should I know.”
I stepped in close to him and dug a left into his kidneys. He gasped and sagged a little against the wall.
”You sent them,” I said.
”I don't even know who you are,” he said.
”My name's Spenser. You know a guy named Tommy Miller?”
”You sending the sluggers to my office got anything to do with him?”
”I don't know what you're...”
I hit him again in the same kidney. He made a kind of a yelp and his knees sagged. He turned toward me and slid his back down the wall until he was sitting on the floor, his fat legs splayed out in front of him.There was blood on the corner of his mouth. It took him a couple of tries to speak.
”Yeah. Tommy said he wanted you roughed up. I owed him a favor. I sent out some guys.”
”Why'd you owe him a favor?”
”He, ah, he helped me out when I got nabbed.”
”Got rid of some stuff.”
”What are friends for,” I said.
”No harm done,” Parisi mumbled. ”n.o.body roughed you up. We was only going to scare you.”
”If you scare me again,” I said, ”I will come back and kick your teeth out.”
”No trouble,” Parisi said. ”No trouble.”
”Sure,” I said and walked out.
Chapter 24.
SUSAN GAVE A speech to a conference of professional women at the Hotel Meridien. I stood, slightly restless, in the back and listened, and afterwards we went to the august, high-ceilinged bar on the second floor for a drink. Maybe two.
”Podium magic,” I said to Susan and raised my beer gla.s.s toward her in salute.
”Did you think I was good?”
”Wouldn't the term 'podium magic' imply that?” I said.
She smiled.
”Okay, I'll be more direct. Say more about how wonderful I was.”