Part 27 (1/2)
I had remained at the gangway about two minutes, when the first lieutenant said, ”Bring the prisoner here.”
I immediately went aft; and as soon as I was standing before Captain Delmar and the first lieutenant--(and behind were all the officers, anxious to hear what I had to disclose)--I put my hand to my head, having no hat, as may be supposed, and said, ”_Come on board, sir_,”
reporting myself, as is usually the custom of officers when they return from leave or duty.
”Good Heavens! that voice!--why, who are you?” cried Captain Delmar, starting back a pace.
”Mr Keene, sir,” replied I, again putting my hand to my head.
Bob Cross, who was, with many of the seamen, close to me, quite forgetting etiquette, ran up and caught me round the waist, looking me full in the face: ”It is him, sir--it is him! Huzzah! huzzah!” and all the seamen joined in the huzzahs, which were, however, mingled with a great deal of laughter.
”Merciful Heaven! and so you have been blown up in that vessel,” said the first lieutenant, coming to me, with great kindness. ”Are you much burnt? Why, he's quite black--where's the surgeon?”
”Aren't hurt at all, sir,” replied I.
”Let him be taken down and examined,” said the captain with some emotion; ”if not hurt, let him come into the cabin to me.”
The captain went down the ladder, and then I shook hands with Tommy Dott and all the other officers and mids.h.i.+pmen; and I will say that my re-appearance appeared to give unusual satisfaction. I went down into the gun-room and was stripped. They were much surprised to find that I was not hurt, and even more when they discovered that I was black all over, and that was.h.i.+ng would not restore my colour.
”Why, Keene,” said the first lieutenant, ”how is it that you have changed your colour?”
”Oh, sir, I've been playing the n.i.g.g.e.r for these last three months. It is a long story, but I will go with you to the captain, and I will tell it there.”
As soon as I had put on my uniform, I went up with Mr Hippesley to the cabin, and having, at the captain's request, taken a chair, I entered into a full explanation, which lasted more than an hour.
As soon as I had finished, Mr Hippesley who had plenty to do on deck, but who could not leave until he had heard my story, quitted the cabin, and I found myself alone with the captain.
”I must say that I gave you up for lost,” said Captain Delmar; ”the boat's crew were picked up the next morning, and reported that you were drowned in the cabin of the vessel. Scoundrels, to desert you in that way.”
”I do not think they were to blame, sir; the water being so high in the cabin, and my not answering to their call.”
”But did they call you?”
”Yes, sir; I heard them call when I was half asleep, and I did not answer.”
”Well, I am glad to hear you say so; but so convinced have we been of your loss, that I have written to your mother on the subject. Strange, this is the second time that she has been distressed in this way. You appear to have a charmed life, Mr Keene.”
”I hope I shall long live to do credit to your protection, sir,” replied I.
”I hope so too, Mr Keene,” replied the captain, very kindly; ”I sincerely hope so too. In all this business you have conducted yourself very manfully. It does you great credit, and your mother ought to be proud of you.”
”Thanky, sir,” replied I, for I was overjoyed at such language from Captain Delmar, and I thought to myself, if he says my mother ought be proud of me, he feels so himself.
”Of course, you cannot do duty under such a masquerade as you are at present,” continued the captain, who referred to my stained skin. ”I presume it will wear off by-and-by. You will dine with me to-day; now you may go to your messmates.”
I left the cabin, bowing very respectfully, and pleased with what had occurred. I hastened to join my messmates, not, however, until I had shaken hands with Bob Cross, who appeared as delighted to see me as if he was my father.
I leave the reader to imagine the sort of levee which I held both on the quarter-deck and below. Mr Hippesley could not get any of the officers to mind their duty. I certainly was for two or three days the greatest personage in the s.h.i.+p. After that, I had time to tell the whole of my history quietly to Bob Cross.