Part 19 (1/2)
The weather was very fine and warm, and the wind had fallen, when at sundown high land was reported from the mast-head, at about forty miles distant. I was, as on the former cruise, signal mids.h.i.+pman, and did day duty--that is, I went down with the sun, and kept no night watch.
I had been cogitating how I could play some trick to Mr Culpepper: the mids.h.i.+pmen had often proposed that we should do so, but I had made up my mind that, whenever I did, I would make no confidant. Tommy Dott often suggested an idea, but I invariably refused, as a secret is only a secret when it is known to one person: for that reason I never consulted Bob Cross, because I knew that he would have persuaded me not to do so; but after anything was happily executed, I then used to confide in him.
I observed before that Mr Culpepper wore a flaxen wig, and I felt sure, from his penuriousness, that he was not likely to have more than one on board. I, therefore, fixed upon his wig as the object of my vengeance, and having made up my mind on the night that we made the island of Madeira, I determined to put my project in execution.
For convenience, the first lieutenant had a small ladder which went down through the skylight of the gun-room so that they could descend direct, instead of going round by the after-hatchway, and entering by the gun-room doors, where the sentry was placed.
I went to my hammock and slept till the middle watch was called; I then got up and dressed myself without being perceived.
As soon as the lieutenant of the middle watch had been called by the mate, who lighted his candle and left him to dress himself, I came up by the after-ladder, and, watching an opportunity when the sentry at the captain's cabin door had walked forward, I softly descended by the skylight ladder into the gun-room.
The light in the cabin of the lieutenant, who was dressing, was quite sufficient, and the heat of the weather was so great, that all the officers slept with their cabin doors fastened back, for ventilation; I had, therefore, no difficulty in putting my hand on the purser's wig, with which I escaped unperceived, and immediately turned in again to my hammock, to consider what I should do with my prize.
Should I throw it overboard; should I stuff it down the pump-well, or slip it into the s.h.i.+p's coppers, that it might re-appear when the pea-soup was baled out or dinner; or should I put it into the manger forward, where the pigs were?
In the meantime, while I was considering the matter, the mids.h.i.+pman of the first watch came down and turned in, and all was again quiet, except an occasional nasal melody from some heavy sleeper.
At last, quite undecided, I peeped through the clews of my hammock to see what the sentry at the gun-room door was about, and found that he had sat down on a chest, and was fast asleep. I knew immediately that the man was in my power, and I did not fear him; and then it was that the idea came into my head, that I would singe the purser's wig. I went softly to the sentry's light, took it from the hook, and went down with it into the c.o.c.kpit, as being the best place for carrying on my operations. The wig was very greasy, and every curl, as I held it in the candle, flared up, and burned beautifully to within a quarter of an inch of the caul.
It was soon done, and I replaced the sentry's light; and finding that the gun-room door was a-jar, I went in softly, and replaced the wig where I had taken it from, repa.s.sed the sentry, who was still fast asleep, and regained my hammock, intending to undress myself in it; but I had quite forgotten one thing (I was soon reminded of it)--I heard the voice of the officer of the watch I calling out to the sentry at the cabin door--
”Sentry, what's that smell of burning?”
”I don't know, sir,” replied the sentry; ”I was just thinking of going forward for the s.h.i.+p's corporal.”
The smell, which had gradually ascended from the c.o.c.kpit, now spread from deck to deck, and became stronger and stronger. The gun-room-door sentry jumped up at the voice of the lieutenant, and called out that there was a very strong smell in the c.o.c.kpit. The lieutenant and mate of the watch came down, and it was immediately supposed that the spirit-room had caught fire, for the smell was really very powerful.
The first lieutenant, who had wakened up at the voices, was out in a minute; he put his head over the c.o.c.kpit, and ordering the officer of the watch to call the drummer, and beat to quarters, ran up to inform the captain.
The drummer was out in a moment, and, seizing his drum, which hung up by the mainmast, ran up in his s.h.i.+rt and beat the tattoo.
The whole s.h.i.+p's company rose up at the sound, which they knew was the signal for something important; and the beat of the drum was followed up by the shrill piping of the boatswain's mates at each hatchway.
At that moment, some frightened man belonging to the watch cried out that the s.h.i.+p was on fire, and the lower decks were immediately a scene of bustle and confusion.
Perhaps there is nothing more awful than the alarm of fire at sea; the feeling that there is no escape--the only choice being by which element, fire or water, you choose to perish. But if it is awful in daylight, how much more so is it to be summoned up to await such peril when you have been sleeping in fancied bounty.
The captain had hurried on his clothes, and stood on the quarter-deck.
He was apparently calm and collected; but, as usual, the first lieutenant carried on the duty, and well he did it.
”Where's the gunner? Mr Hutt, bring up the keys from my cabin, and have all ready for clearing the magazines if required. Firemen, get your buckets to bear; carpenters, rig the pumps. Silence there, fore and aft.”
But the confusion became very great, and there evidently was a panic.
The captain then interposed, calling out to the boatswain and his mates to send every man aft on the quarter-deck.
This order was obeyed; the men came thronging like a flock of sheep, huddling together and breathless.
”Silence there, my men,” cried Captain Delmar--”silence. I say; is this the conduct of men-of-war's-men? Every man of you sit down on deck-- pa.s.s the word there for every man to sit down.”