Part 6 (1/2)
”I'll tell you,” said he, turning round as he went out, ”what I was thinking of, Mrs Keene; not of myself,--I was thinking of my bull pup.”
My mother burst out a laughing as the lieutenant disappeared. ”I was not far wrong when I said he was thinking of himself,” said she, ”for a _calf_ is a sort of _bull pup_.”
At this sally Captain Bridgeman laughed, and danced about the shop; at last he said, ”Poor Flat! Miss Amelia, he's desperately in love with you.”
”That's more than I am with him,” said Amelia, calmly.
Here two ladies came in.
Captain Bridgeman made a most polite bow. ”I trust Mrs Handbell is quite well and Miss Handbell--I hardly need ask the question with the charming colour you have?”
”Captain Bridgeman, you appear to live in this library; I wonder Mrs Keene don't take you into partners.h.i.+p.”
”If I were not honoured with the custom of Mrs Handbell and other ladies; I fear that my shop would have little attraction for gentlemen,”
replied my mother, with a courtesy.
”Mrs Keene is quite correct in her surmise, Miss Handbell,” said Captain Bridgeman, ”now that I have seen you, I shall not think my morning thrown away.”
”If report says true, Captain Bridgeman,” replied Mrs Handbell, ”you would be quite as often here, even if no ladies were to be customers of Mrs Keene. Mrs Keene, have you any of that narrow French ribbon left?”
”I think I have, madam; it was off this piece, was it not?”
”Yes; but I really don't know exactly how much I require; perhaps you will measure it and allow me to return what is left?”
”Certainly, madam; will you take it with you, or shall I send it?”
”I wish for it directly; will you be very long in measuring it, for I ought to be home now?”
”Perhaps you'll have the kindness to measure what you take off yourself, madam,” replied my mother, ”and then you need not wait.”
”You put confidence in me, I observe, Mrs Keene,” replied Mrs Handbell; ”well, I will do you justice.”
My mother smiled most graciously, put the piece of ribbon in paper, and handed it to Mrs Handbell, who, bowing to Captain Bridgeman, quitted the shop.
”I wonder whether you would trust me in that way?” said Captain Bridgeman to my mother.
”I don't think I should; Amelia says you will help yourself to cigars and that she is sure you cheat when you count them.”
”Does she really say that? Well, I did think that if there was any one who would have upheld my character, it would have been Miss Amelia.”
”Perhaps, Captain Bridgeman, she is getting tired of so doing.”
”Or tired of me, Mrs Keene, which would be worse still. Here comes a fair young lady--Miss Evans, if I mistake not; I believe she is a good customer to your library?”
”She reads a great deal, and is therefore only a customer to the library.”
”Ladies who are fond of reading are seldom fond of working.”
”Good morning Miss Evans,” said Captain Bridgeman; ”you come for more food for the mind, I presume?” (Miss Evans gave a bob, and turned to my mother.)