Chapter 75 (1/2)

Big Life Action 23080K 2022-07-22

“What?! A car crash?!”

Dasul said loudly.

A few customers looked at her.

“H, How? How did that happen? How badly?”

- I don’t know, I have to go to the hospital. I got my sister’s call so I’m going. My mom hasn’t picked up. I’m sorry for calling so late.

Just then Dasul realized it’s already been 30 minutes.

But she didn’t care. She shook her head and continued.

“Don’t worry about me. You’re driving, right? Don’t drive recklessly even though you’re in a hurry. Ok?”

-Ok. I’ll call later.

“Hm. Be ok. Your dad will be fine.’

-thank you. I’ll call later.

The call hung up.

Dasul closed her eyes. She didn’t have a religion but she still prayed.

“Stop it. No one died!”

Sukjae said annoyed.

He had just lied down in the bed.

Myungja, Jaeyn, and Jaegun were standing next to the bed. The two girls were sniffling as they had just cried.

“Stop, really. Jaegun, you take your mom and sister and go home.”

Jaegun only looked down at his body. His left wrist and the ball of his right foot was fractured. There were small hits around his body as well.

It was a crash from the apartment that he had worked in. A person had back up, not seeing Sukjae taking out the trash.

Jaegun felt horrible and guilty

If he had just told him more forcefully to stop working.

Then this wouldn’t have happened. It was his fault.

“Now, stop.”

Sukjae’s glance turned to Jaegun. Jaegun continued.

“Don’t work. Stop working. Please,”

Sukjae closed his eyes.

Jaegun waited for an answer.

But Sukjae didn’t respond or open his eyes.

John sighed and turned around.

“Where are you going?”

“To get his clothes.”

“Let me go too. I need to get stuff too. Mom, I’ll go with him.”

Jaegun and Jaeyn went away.

Myungja sat in the chair next to eh bed and said.

“I know you’re not sleeping.”


“Say something. How bad do you think he feels. Why are you so reactionless?”

“I’ll do better so don’t talk to me.”

“What if you had just stopped when he told you to. He’s doing well. He already got so many awards. His books are selling well? He comes up on the internet. Aren’t you proud? Why do you not like him?”

Myungja stood up. She didn’t really expect an answer.

Just then.

“It’s not that.”

Myungja stopped.

He was breathing heavily with his eyes closed. And his voice came out slowly.

“I don’t want to see Jaegun tirelessly writing. He doesn’t sleep or eat for 4 days to write. He smiles and cries in his own thoughts. He doesn’t listen. I screamed and told him to write while taking care of himself. But he doesn’t listen.”


Myungja sat back down.

He continued as he swallowed once.

“He became a writer even when I warned him. That summer, he didn’t come out of his room even once because he was writing.”

She nodded her head. She knew it too.