Chapter 53 (1/2)

Big Life Action 30310K 2022-07-22

Chapter 53 – Follow Me If You Can


It was Friday afternoon, one week later.

Dongmi was drinking coffee. She went out on vandera to calm herself.

The Breathe’s paid chapters were up today.

“I’m not gonna look. I’ll check tomorrow.”

Dongmi muttered and tried to calm herself.

1-25 was free then from 26-100, it was going to be 10 cents per chapter.

It was the first day so she updated 5 chapters.

It was now 37 chapters and the book was now up to the market.

“Ahah is there nothing to do? I finished cleaning. I ate.”

Dongmi started to look for things to do. But there was nothing.

So she turned on the TV and started to watch a hero movie from Hollywood.

“Not funny…”

The movie wasn’t fun for her. Usually it would be but not now. She turned off the TV and sat at the computer. She was just about to kill time.

“Ohew, only an hour pa.s.sed?”

Donmi sighed as she looked at the time. The time went by very slowly.

“AH no. It’s not gonna not go up if I look at it.”

She couldn’t wait anymore

She opened up the page where the Breathe was showing up.

And she opened her eyes.


Dongmi put her hands to her mouth. Her two eyes were holding the page in surprised eyes.

“One hour… 3000?!”

All of them were over 3000 already. The chapters that were free and became paid were over 1000 too.

‘This rate… it’s about to be 10,000 in a day!’

10,000 was amazing. Even if the market was better, it was still the market that had many books that stayed in the tens instead of the hundreds in paid numbers.

If money was given to Munpia, there were about 630 dollars of money. It was 5 chapters, so it was about 3150 dollars of money. This was 3:7 with LaughBooks and Jaegun.

“Amazing! This is going to be amazing!”

There were talks about releasing two chapters per day. The increased chapters will lead to increased profit.

Dongmi’s didn’t stop smiling.

‘Is this going to be on the top list soon?’

It seemed very likely.

The best novels were determined by the sales in 24 hours. It took 3000 views in just an hour so there were plenty of chances to be first.

“Ah, Writer Ha. Thank you so much. I’ll make you a feast sometime soon.”

Dongmi looked at the monitor and muttered to herself. Her husband who had made such a close connection with such a great writer suddenly seemed great.

At the same time

Tewon stopped the car and went out.

It was an old building in front of him. A middle-aged man standing near the entrance came over.

“Long time no see, editor. No, Representative Kwon?”

“Yes, you did well too? President Park?”

The two people shook hands.

This person was the storage’s owner.

It was Tewon’s purpose to visit here.

“Thank you for doing it for 5 cents. I’ll pay this back.”

5 cents for one book. Tewon was planning to release some paper books along with online.

It was a promotional decision more than a profit. This is due to the paper books and the online books not overlapping.

This was also the case for Jaegun. Jaegun always liked paper books so he rushed. It was nice to see this as such a good price.


Tewon’s phone vibrated.

He immediately answered with apologizing to the man.

“Yes, Kwon Tewon.”

“h.e.l.lo. This is Team Leader Park Hyojun.”

“Ah, yes. I didn’t know because it didn’t show the same phone number.”

“An office change. But… sorry.”

“Yes? What?”

Tewon’s face was already shaded.

He knew that this couldn’t be good.

“I don’t think we can do the promotion for 3 months anymore. I’m sorry.”

It didn’t go against his instinct.

Tewon’s hand was already cras.h.i.+ng on his forehead.

“Are you listening?”

“Yes, I am.”

Tewon answered with his hand on his forehand.

Team Leader Park’s sigh could be heard.

There was silence.

No one said anything or asked.

It was obvious. Business did this.

“How is Laugh Books?”

The question broke the silence.