Chapter 28 (1/2)
Chapter 28 – Is he asking for a battle
“Ah, this is why everyone loves electronic keyboards.”
“Meow, meow.”
On top of Jaegun’s knees, Rika answered.
Jaegun’s fingers had a clearer sound than before when he was typing.
It was a mechanical keyboard from Hetae Media. It was just fun pressing the keys on the keyboards because of the pressure. He was curious before, but he never used one because it was expensive. Now he knew why everyone was singing mechanical keyboard is so good.
“Rika, you hear the sound. It’s different, right? I searched it up and it’s about 400 dollars. The last one was was a 9 dollar one bought at a emart. Why do you think they bought me this? Maybe they want me to write one more book for Pegelon’s Magician?”
Jaegun asked Rika and kept hitting the keyboard.
About noon, the outside was boiling hot, but the one room was cool because of the air conditioner.
A call came from Suhee.
Jaegun stopped his typing and grabbed the phone.
“Ahn, Suhee.”
“I got your additional quest. That was fun too.”
“Thank goodness.”
“Did you eat lunch?”
“I haven’t yet. You?”
“I came out to eat right now. Eat on time. Ah, how’s today dinner? I’m meeting Hyojin so do you want to call Jongjin and eat lunch together? The 4 of us?”
“Sorry, I have to write something so it might be hard.”
Saying that, Jaegun pulled up a word doc.u.ment with his one hand. The “Child of the 90s” that he was going to enter the Digital Literary Contest came up on screen.
“You’re busy as always. Rest sometimes. Your body might crash.
“I’m only going till the 15th.
“Why is it the 15th? Ahah, you’re writing something special?”
Suhee had great recognition as always.
Jaegun laughed even though no one was looking and answered.
“I’ll tell you when I do well.”
“Tell me when you don’t do well, too. I want to read it.”
A small sigh came across the phone.
Jaegun, even though he felt sorry, didn’t have anything to say so he stood quiet. Then, Suhee’s cheerful voice came back.
“Well ok, if you’re busy. Let’s meet later. Good work and contact later.”
Jaegun got his posture and put his hands on the keyboard. After breathing a few times, he started revising the ‘Child of the 90s.’ It was the 3rd time today that he was checking it over.
‘Sir, this scene where he’s meeting a old friend in jail is fine, right?”
Jaegun remembered Se Gunwoo’s figure and threw a question at him.
It felt as though Se Gunwoo’s voice was coming through his ear.
‘It’s natural. It’s not bad. If it was me, I would hesitate a few moments after the first greeting.’
‘Hm, that feels good. I’ll have to change. How about this scene where the main character meets his first love?’
‘There’s way too many useless conversation. The main character is just laying out his own story which doesn’t relate at all to the main character. Delete everything.’
‘Delete everything? But shouldn’t he have to say this much so the girl knows and understands that he’s been through a lot?’
‘That’s all your thoughts. The writer’s thoughts are going into the story’s characters. Useless. It doesn’t fit at all either.’
From one word to sentence to paragraph
Se Gunwoo and Ha Jaegun was colliding through every revision.
Most of the time it was Ha Jaegun backing off and conceding.
Se Gunwoo’s critiques were completely on point in correcting the story’s completion. Jaegun understood more at the same time of revising the incorrect parts.
About 1-2 times out of 10, Ha Jaegun kept it.
No answer problems, especially with the character’s personalities and characteristics and their actions. If there was no harm to the story, Ha Jaegun was stubborn then.
‘Sir, even if you say it’s bad, I think this is good. It’s not a hardboiled story so delete everything is too much.’
‘It’s not my story so do what you want.’
The typing continued without stop in the one room.
Rika, understanding that Jaegun was concentration, went to the bed.
Rika looked at nothing and meowed.
Her general stare was towards at Jaegun’s back.
Rika was looking at nothing for a while until she closed her eyes, as if tired.
‘I’ll stop here. I feel like I did enough. Now I won’t look at it until the due date.’
He saved the ‘Child of the 90s’ and brought up a new page. A new page with no words came on the computer.
‘Are you writing something else?’
Se Gunwoo’s question seemed to ring in his ear.
Jaegun answered in his mind.
‘The Child of the 90s is a story that I made since college. Since I have a lot of time because of this contest, I want to write a totally new story.’
‘I see, do you have a topic?’