Part 1 (1/2)
'Let the Old Dreams Die'.
John Ajvide Lindqvist.
To my mother, Anne-Marie Lindqvist.
To the memory of my grandmother, Maj Walhqvist.
Love and strength.
As soon as the man appeared, Tina knew he had something to hide. With every step he took towards the customs post, she grew more certain. When he chose the green channel, Nothing to declare, and walked right past her, she said, 'Excuse me, could I ask you to stop for a moment?' Glancing over at Robert to make sure he was on board. Robert gave a brief nod. People who were about to be caught could resort to desperate measures, particularly if they were smuggling something that would attract a prison sentence. Like this man. Tina was sure of it.
'Could you put your suitcase here, please?'
The man heaved a small case up onto the counter, unlocked it and opened the lid. He was used to this. Not surprisingly, given his appearance: angular face, low forehead. Small, deep-set eyes beneath bushy eyebrows. A beard and medium-length hair. He could have played a Russian hit man in an action movie.
Tina pressed the hidden alarm b.u.t.ton as she leaned across the counter. Her instincts told her with absolute certainty that this man was carrying something illegal. He might be armed. From the corner of her eye she saw Leif and Andreas position themselves in the doorway leading to the inner room, watching and waiting.
The case contained very little. A few clothes. A road map and a couple of Henning Mankell crime novels, a pair of binoculars and a magnifying gla.s.s. There was also a digital camera; Tina picked it up to examine it more closely, but her gut feeling was that the camera wasn't the issue.
Right at the bottom of the suitcase lay a large metal box with a lid. In the middle of the lid there was a round meter with a needle. A cable ran from the side of the box.
'What's this?' she asked.
'Guess,' the man replied, raising his eyebrows as if he found the situation enormously amusing. Tina met his gaze. She saw a kind of exalted calm in his eyes, and that could be down to one of two things. Either he was crazy or he was certain she wouldn't find whatever he was hiding.
She didn't even need to consider a third option-the idea that he didn't have anything to hide. She knew.
The only reason she was working in Kapellskar was that it was so close to home. She could have worked anywhere. Customs posts all over the country sought her help when they knew that a large s.h.i.+pment of illegal drugs was on the way. Sometimes she would go, staying in Malmo or Helsingborg for a couple of days until she spotted the courier and taking the opportunity while she was there to point out a few miscreants smuggling cigarettes or people. She was almost never wrong. The only thing that could mislead her was if a person was carrying something that wasn't illegal, but that they wanted to hide anyway.
Usually that meant s.e.x toys of various kinds. Dolls, vibrators, films. In Gothenburg she had stopped a man coming off the ferry from England whose suitcase had turned out to contain a huge amount of newly bought science fiction: Asimov, Bradbury, Clarke. The man had stood there looking around nervously with the suitcase wide open on the counter, and when she caught sight of his clerical collar she closed the case and wished him a nice day.
Three years ago she had been in the United States, monitoring the border crossing in Tijuana. She had pointed out five people carrying heroin-two in their stomachs, inside condoms-before the delivery they were waiting for actually arrived.
Three trucks with hollow wheel drums. Twelve hundred kilos. The biggest haul in ten years. She had been rewarded with a consultation fee of ten thousand dollars; they had also offered her a post with five times the salary of her job in Sweden, but she had turned it down.
Before she left she suggested to the head of the operation that he might like to investigate two members of his team. She was virtually certain they were being paid to facilitate the transportation of heroin. It turned out that she was absolutely right.
She could have become a multimillionaire by travelling around the world carrying out temporary a.s.signments, but after her trip to the US she had turned down every offer. The two team members she had unmasked had secreted not only a high level of anxiety, but also threat. For safety's sake she had stayed with the chief customs officer and travelled to work with him. Knowing too much is dangerous, particularly when big money is involved.
And so she had settled in Kapellskar, ten minutes from her house in Gillberga on the island of Rdmanso. The number of seizures had increased dramatically when she first took up her post, and had subsequently fallen and continued to fall. The smugglers knew that she was working here and Kapellskar was now regarded as a locked-down port. Over the past few years she had dealt mainly with spirits and the odd disorganised chancer with steroids stuffed in the lining of his suitcase.
Her s.h.i.+ft patterns changed from week to week so that the smugglers wouldn't know which times to avoid and which times they could exploit.
Without touching the box, she pointed at it and said, 'This is not a game. What is that?'
'It's for hatching out larvae.'
'I'm sorry?'
The man was smiling almost imperceptibly beneath his beard as he picked up the box. She could now see that the cable ended in an ordinary plug. He opened the lid. The interior was divided into four compartments, separated by thin walls.
'For breeding insects,' he said, holding up the lid and pointing at the meter. 'Thermostat. Electricity. Heat. Hey presto! Insects.'
Tina nodded. 'And why do you have such a thing?'
The man put the box back in his case and shrugged. 'Is it illegal?'
'No. I'm just curious.'
The man leaned across the counter and asked her in a low voice, 'Do you like insects?'
Something very unusual happened. A cold s.h.i.+ver ran down Tina's spine and presumably she began to secrete the same anxiety she was so good at detecting in others. Fortunately there was no one here who was capable of sensing it.
She shook her head and said, 'I'd like you to step in here for a moment.' She gestured towards the inner room. 'You can leave the case here for the time being.'
They examined his clothes, they examined his shoes. They went through every single thing he had in his case, and the case itself. They found nothing. They were only permitted to carry out a body search if there were reasonable grounds for suspicion.
Tina asked the others to leave the room. When they were alone, she said, 'I know you're hiding something. What is it?'
'How can you be so sure?'
After everything he had been subjected to, Tina thought he deserved an honest answer. 'I can smell it.'
The man laughed out loud. 'Of course.'
'You might think it's ridiculous,' said Tina. 'But-'
The man interrupted her. 'Not at all. It sounds eminently reasonable.'
He spread his hands wide and gestured towards his body.
'You've examined me as thoroughly as possible. You're not allowed to go any further. Am I right?'
'There you go. In that case I'd like your permission to leave.'
If it had been up to Tina she would have liked to take him into custody, keep him under observation. But she had no legal grounds for doing so. And besides...There was after all one option left. The unlikely third option. The possibility that she was wrong.