Part 20 (1/2)
”Ay, Bill, but it won't do--so here goes,” and the poor fellow sprang overboard, and was drowned, rather than meet the fate which might have been his lot, as he had deserted from the _Shannon_ a few months before.
The two frigates were pretty equally matched, there being a slight superiority only in favour of the _Chesapeake_, which was 31 tons larger, and had a crew of fully 70 more men. The gallant Captain Lawrence and his first lieutenant, Augustus Ludlow, died of their wounds, the former on the pa.s.sage to Halifax, the latter on his arrival, and were buried there with all the honours their victors could bestow.
Their remains were shortly afterwards removed in a cartel to the United States.
Pa.s.sing over a number of actions between smaller vessels, in which sometimes the English and at others the Americans were the victors, a celebrated combat in the Pacific between two frigates, the American being the smallest, must be mentioned. In October, 1822, the United States 32-gun frigate _Ess.e.x_, commanded by Captain David Porter, sailed from Delaware Bay on a cruise in the Pacific. Having captured several whale-s.h.i.+ps, he named one of them the _Ess.e.x Junior_, and having visited the Marquesas, where he exhibited his prowess against the natives, he reached Valparaiso about the 12th of January, 1814. The British 36-gun frigate _Phoebe_, Captain James Hillyar, with the 18-gun s.h.i.+p-sloop _Cherub_, Captain Tucker, which vessels had sailed in search of him, standing towards Valparaiso, on the 8th of February discovered the American cruisers, with several prizes at anchor in the harbour. For a couple of weeks or more Captain Hillyar did his best to draw the American s.h.i.+ps out of the port. Captain Porter, however, had considered that his most prudent course was to attempt to escape, and he and his consort were on the point of doing so, a strong wind blowing out of the harbour, when the _Ess.e.x_ was struck by a squall, which carried away her main-topmast. She accordingly bore up and anch.o.r.ed, while the _Ess.e.x Junior_ ran back into the harbour. The _Phoebe_ and _Cherub_ made sail towards them. The former at length got near enough to open her fire.
Captain Hillyar now ordered Captain Tucker to keep under way, while he himself stood in closer with the intention of anchoring close to the _Ess.e.x_. The latter s.h.i.+p now cut her cable, and endeavoured to run on sh.o.r.e, but the strong wind from the land blew her off towards the _Phoebe_, and she had again to let go an anchor. By this time most of her boats were destroyed. The three boats from the _Ess.e.x Junior_ were alongside, carrying off the specie and other valuables in the s.h.i.+p.
Those of her crew who were English taking the opportunity of escaping, a report was raised at this juncture that the s.h.i.+p was on fire, and a number of her men leaped overboard during the confusion. At about 6:30 p.m. the _Ess.e.x_ hauled down her flags, and the boats of the _Phoebe_, pulling for her, saved the lives of 16 of her crew who were in the water, though too late to rescue 30 others who perished; while between 30 and 40 reached the sh.o.r.e. The _Phoebe_ lost 5 killed and 10 wounded, and the Americans 24 killed, including one of the lieutenants, and 45 wounded. As soon as the _Ess.e.x_ could be repaired, the command of her being given to Lieutenant Charles Pearson, she and the _Phoebe_ sailed for England, and anch.o.r.ed safely in Plymouth Sound, although Captain Porter had stated that the damage she had received would prevent her making the voyage. Of the prizes she had taken, not one reached the States, all having been recaptured, with the exception of three, which were burnt by the Americans, and one, the _Seringapatam_, the American prize-crew of which mutinied and carried her to New South Wales, whence she was brought to England and delivered to her former owners; while the _Ess.e.x_ herself was placed on the list of the British Navy. Those who have read the journals of Captain Porter's cruise in the Pacific will feel very little pity for him on account of its result.
This miserable war, proved, on the whole, disastrous to the Americans.
The s.h.i.+ps of the English squadron on their coasts were employed in sailing up their rivers, destroying their towns, as also in despatching numerous boat expeditions to cut out their merchantmen, and to attack the gunboats prepared for the defence of their harbours. At the same time, both parties fitted out flotillas on the great lakes, where a number of engagements, often with heavy losses on either side, occurred.
The British officer employed in this service was Sir James Yeo, who was sent with a small body of seamen to man the s.h.i.+ps on these fresh-water seas. Some of these vessels were of large size; one named the _Prince Regent_ measured 1310 tons, and carried 58 guns, with a complement of 485 men and boys. Another, the _Princess Charlotte_, measured 815 tons, and carried 42 guns. The larger number of vessels, however, were of much smaller size. The Americans had also several powerful vessels, and before the close of the war they had actually begun to build one 74 and a frigate, to vie with a s.h.i.+p built by the English called the _Saint Lawrence_, of 2305 tons, and intended to mount 102 guns. None of these large craft, however, went out of harbour. The whole of the gear and stores for these vessels had been brought overland at a considerable expense, and it was said that the Admiralty sent out a supply of water-casks, forgetting that their s.h.i.+ps were to navigate fresh-water seas. To make any of the actions which took place intelligible, far more s.p.a.ce would be required than can be afforded.
Happily, by the end of 1814, this unnatural and ill-advised war was brought to a conclusion; the Americans finding that although occasionally victorious, they were in the end greatly the losers. It left, however, an amount of ill-feeling between the two nations which the war of independence had failed to create, and which it took many years to eradicate--though, happily, at the present time the people of both countries are too right-minded and enlightened to wish to see a recurrence of a similar contest, both convinced that it is to their mutual interest to remain in amity, and to cultivate to the utmost that good understanding which has for long happily existed.
After the conclusion of the war, the Caribbean Sea was infested by a number of piratical vessels manned by blacks and desperate characters of all nations, which committed great havoc among the British merchantmen.
Though several were from time to time captured, the pirates still continued their depredations. Bad as they were, some proved themselves not altogether dest.i.tute of humanity. On one occasion a small vessel, tender to his majesty's frigate _Tyne_, commanded by Lieutenant Hobson, with a crew of 20 men, was surprised and captured by a powerful piratical craft. The pirates were, according to their usual custom, about to hang their prisoners; but seized with compunction, or dreading the consequences of their intended crime, they spared their lives, and allowed them to return to their s.h.i.+p. As it happened, the very men who had acted so humane a part were shortly afterwards captured, and the circ.u.mstance not being taken into consideration in their favour, they were hanged at Jamaica. At this time, a desperate character, named Cayatano Aragonez, commanded a schooner called the _Zaragonaza_, of 120 tons, carrying a long swivel 18-pounder, 4 long 9-pounders, and 8 swivels, with a crew of between 70 and 80 men. Hearing of the way his friends had been treated, looking upon it as an ungenerous act, he vowed to take fearful revenge on all the English he could capture. Summoning his men, he bound them under an oath never to spare an Englishman's life, and in the event of being captured, to blow up themselves and their enemies. Some time before, they had taken a black man, a native of Jamaica, who had been compelled to act as their cook. In order thoroughly to commit his crew, Aragonez resolved on the sacrifice of the hapless negro. In vain he pleaded for mercy; he was hauled out to the end of the spritsail-yard, when the miscreants commenced firing at him from the deck, and thus tortured him for twenty minutes before death put an end to his sufferings. Sir Charles Rowley, commander-in-chief in the West Indies, having determined to put a stop to the exploits of the pirates, despatched the _Tyne_, under the command of Captain Walcott, accompanied by the sloop of war _Thracian_, to look out for and destroy them. Their chief places of rendezvous were known to be among the numerous keys or sandy islets off the coast of Cuba. Captain Walcott, after for a long time vainly searching for the pirates, was informed by the master of an American pilot-boat that a schooner supposed to be the _Zaragonaza_ had been seen cruising off Barracoa, at the east end of Cuba. Captain Walcott endeavoured to bribe the American pilot to remain with him. He, however, declined the risk, declaring it was impossible to capture the schooner with boats, and as she was a remarkably fast sailer, she was sure to escape; should the enterprise not succeed, he would become known as the informer, and be no longer able to act as pilot in the Bahama Channel. This was a disappointment to Captain Walcott, who knowing that two Spanish men-of-war schooners were cruising off the coast, and that there were numerous trading schooners of the same appearance, feared that the pirates would escape. However, on the 31st of March, the two British s.h.i.+ps discovered the vessel of which they were in search off Barracoa. Captain Walcott had disguised both s.h.i.+ps as merchant-vessels, and their sails being set in a slovenly manner, they stood in towards the schooner. For several hours it was evident that the pirate did not suspect what they were. Before, however, they got up with her, she, setting all sail, steered for the harbour of Mata.
On this the frigate and sloop crowded every st.i.tch of canvas they could carry in chase. The wind, however, failed them before they could get up to the schooner, which, running in to the harbour, at 1:30 p.m., was seen moored head and stern athwart it, with the Spanish colours flying aloft. The entrance of the harbour not being more than a cable's length in width, even the _Thracian_ could not venture to approach close enough to attack the schooner. Captain Walcott, therefore, ordered out the boats, which carried altogether forty-seven men, and believing that a desperate resistance would be made, and that should the attack fail the pirates would slaughter all they might capture, he determined to lead the expedition himself. As he shoved off, he desired Commander Roberts of the _Thracian_ to get as close as possible, so as to render all the a.s.sistance in his power. The sea was calm, the boats were in full view of the pirate. Shoving off from the s.h.i.+p's sides, they pulled gallantly towards her. At 3 p.m. they arrived within gunshot, when up went the black flag, thus giving undoubted evidence of the character of the craft, while the schooner opened her fire, at the same time bullets came flying round the boats from a number of the pirate crew who had been landed, and been stationed under shelter among the trees which grew close to the sh.o.r.e of the harbour. Still the British boats pulled steadily on in two divisions, Captain Walcott's intention being to board the pirate on both sides at once. Each of the pinnaces carried carronades, which were now rapidly fired, while the marines began to blaze away, thus partially, by the smoke which circled round them, concealing the boats and preventing the pirates from taking exact aim.
As the boats approached, the deck of the pirate was seen crowded with men, and boarding nettings triced up. Three-quarters of an hour had the British seamen been exposed to her fire, as well as to that from the men on sh.o.r.e, when Captain Walcott issued the order to dash alongside. For a few moments the pirates ceased firing, being employed in loading all their guns in the hopes of sending their a.s.sailants with one broadside to the bottom. Three hearty cheers were given, and so rapidly did the boats approach that the shots flew over them, and before the schooner's guns could be reloaded, the boats were up to her, and the seamen began climbing on board--no easy matter, for the sides were unusually high, and had been greased all over so as to render it as difficult as possible. At that moment the pirate crew losing heart, began to leap overboard and swim towards the sh.o.r.e, in the hopes of preserving their lives. Many, however, were cut-down before they could make their escape, while others were captured in the water. Among them Aragonez himself was taken, with 27 besides, 10 were killed, and 15 wounded; while the English lost 1 man killed and 4 wounded in this most gallant affair. Captain Walcott then sent a requisition to the governor of Barracoa, which induced him to dispatch a party in search of those who had escaped into the woods, when sixteen more were captured and immediately put to death by the Spaniards. The _Tyne_ then sailed with her prisoners for Jamaica, when two of them turning king's evidence, their chief and the remainder of the miscreant band were executed. The affair may well take rank with any of the most brilliant boat services on record, and Admiral Rowley expressed in a general order his sense of the admirable skill and courage with which the enterprise had been carried out. That most graphic of writers, Michael Scott, who spent many years in the West Indies, had evidently heard of it when he wrote ”Tom Cringle's Log.” The capture of Lieutenant Hobson by the pirates, and his subsequent release, afforded him the idea of the captive of his hero by the picaroon, while the destruction of Obed's schooner in a harbour off Cuba, with not a few additional touches, was also taken from the account of the capture of the _Zaragonaza_.
The piratical cruisers belonging to Algiers had long been the terror of the merchantmen of all nations. The Algerines not only plundered but ma.s.sacred the crews of the vessels they captured, and it was supposed that many hundreds had fallen into their power. Their crowning act of atrocity was the murder of the crews of three hundred small vessels engaged in the coral fishery off Bona, near Algiers, who, being Christians, had landed to visit a church. At length the British Government determined to put a stop to their proceedings, and Lord Exmouth, who had just returned to England, after having compelled the Dey of Tunis to restore 1792 slaves to freedom, and to sign a treaty for the abolition of Christian slavery, was appointed to the command of a fleet which sailed from Plymouth on the 28th of July, 1816, with his flag flying on board the _Queen Charlotte_, of 100 guns, Captain James Brisbane. During the pa.s.sage out, every s.h.i.+p in the fleet was exercised with the great guns, firing at a target hung from the end of the fore-topmast studdingsail-boom rigged out for the purpose, so that they became unusually expert. Lord Exmouth's fleet consisted of only five line-of-battle s.h.i.+ps, with the 50-gun s.h.i.+p _Leander_, four frigates, and several sloops of war and bomb-vessels. Misled by the charts, which were altogether defective, Lord Nelson had required ten sail of the line, and the same number of bomb-vessels, when he proposed to attack Algiers, but the harbour and fortifications had lately been surveyed by Captain Warde, who had found the entrance of the harbour much narrower than had been supposed. The fortifications were, however, formidable in the extreme, the batteries defending the town bristling with several tiers of heavy guns, while powerful forts commanded the approaches. On the mole alone were upwards of 200 guns, and altogether 500 guns, few being smaller than 24-pounders, defended the piratic city. On reaching Gibraltar, Lord Exmouth found a Dutch squadron, Vice-Admiral Van de Cappellon, who entreated leave to co-operate with him, commanding it.
After some delay owing to contrary winds, on the 14th of August the English and Dutch fleets, accompanied by several additional gunboats, sailed for Algiers. On their way they met the _Prometheus_ sloop of war, Captain Dashwood, which had on board the wife, daughter, and infant child of the British consul, Mr McDonnell. The two ladies, disguised in mids.h.i.+pmen's uniforms, had with great difficulty escaped, but as they were pa.s.sing through the gateway the infant, who had been concealed in a basket, uttering a cry, was detained and carried to the dey. It should be recorded as a solitary instance of his humanity that it was sent off the next morning to its mother by the dey. The surgeon of the _Prometheus_ with three mids.h.i.+pmen and the crews of two boats, consisting in all of eighteen persons, had been detained.
The fleet being becalmed, Lord Exmouth sent a lieutenant in one of the _Queen Charlotte's_ boats with a flag of truce to the dey, demanding the immediate liberation of the British consul and the people belonging to the _Prometheus_, the abolition of Christian slavery, the delivery of all Christian slaves in the Algerine state, and the repayment of the money exacted for the redemption of Neapolitan and Sardinian slaves, and peace with the King of the Netherlands. Before the answer had been received, a breeze sprung up, and the fleet standing in to the harbour, the s.h.i.+ps took up their appointed positions before the city. The _Queen Charlotte_ made herself fast to the main-mast of a brig on sh.o.r.e close to the mole. Near her lay the _Leander_, while the other s.h.i.+ps arranged themselves to bring their guns to bear on different parts of the city, the lighter vessels bringing up abreast of any openings they could find in the line of battle. Scarcely had the _Queen Charlotte_ brought up, when a shot was fired at her from the city, followed by two other guns, when Lord Exmouth seeing a large body of soldiers standing on the parapet of the mole, watching the s.h.i.+ps, mercifully waved his hand to them to make their escape, and as they were leaping down, the _Queen Charlotte_ opened her starboard broadside, the other s.h.i.+ps following her example. So admirably were her guns served that her third broadside completely levelled the south end of the mole, when, changing her position, she attacked the batteries over the town-gate, and brought the guns on it tumbling over the battlements. Soon after this an Algerine frigate was boarded by the flag-s.h.i.+p's barge, under Lieutenant Richards, and her crew driven overboard. Till about ten at night the s.h.i.+ps kept up a furious fire at the town and forts; and by this time all the Algerine s.h.i.+ps and vessels within the harbour were burning, as were the a.r.s.enal and storehouses on the mole, while several parts of the city were in flames. A fire-s.h.i.+p, which had been prepared at Gibraltar, was now, under the conduct of Captain Herbert Powell, run on sh.o.r.e, close under the semicircular battery, to the northward of the lighthouse, and exploding, committed great damage to the enemy. At length, the fire from most of the forts being silenced, and the batteries on the mole being in a state of dilapidation, the ammunition of the attacking s.h.i.+ps falling short, Lord Exmouth took advantage of a light air of wind off the land to cut his cables, and stand out of fire, ordering the other s.h.i.+ps to follow his example. Severe as had been the punishment inflicted on the Algerines, the allied squadrons suffered considerably, the British having lost 128 killed and 690 wounded, and the Dutch 13 killed and 52 wounded; while many of the s.h.i.+ps had had their masts injured, and the _Impregnable_ and _Leander_ had received numerous shot in their hulls--the first s.h.i.+p to the number of 233; an 18-pound shot had entered the bulwark, pa.s.sed through the heart of the main-mast, and had gone out on the opposite side. The Algerines were said to have lost between 4000 and 7000 men. Next morning a boat was again sent on sh.o.r.e with a note to the dey, repeating the demands of the preceding morning.
She was met by an Algerine officer, who declared that an answer, yielding to all demands, had been at once sent. Finally, the dey agreed to the terms, and upwards of 1200 Christian slaves were delivered up, besides the British consul and the people from the _Prometheus_, 30,000 dollars to the British consul for the destruction of his property, and an apology to him, the restoration of the 382,500 dollars for the slaves redeemed by Naples and Sicily, and peace with the King of the Netherlands.
Numerous promotions followed as rewards to the officers engaged in this most important expedition, the objects of which were so fully attained.
As a proof of the disinterestedness of the British, it should be known that of all the slaves liberated few, if any, were English. The Dutch admiral and his officers behaved with the greatest gallantry, each s.h.i.+p taking up her position as close to the enemy's batteries as she could get. It was the first time that wooden s.h.i.+ps were fairly matched against stone walls; the result proved that, provided the s.h.i.+ps can get close enough, the advantage will be on their side, unless the stone batteries are of far greater thickness than any that had hitherto been erected.
Severe as had been the lesson received, scarcely eight years had pa.s.sed by before the Algerines had again sent their cruisers to sea. In consequence of this, Sir Harry B. Neale, then the British admiral in the Mediterranean, received directions to inflict a fresh punishment on them. Before proceeding to extremities, however, he despatched the _Naiad_, Captain Spencer, to destroy a large 16-gun piratical brig, which had taken shelter under the fortress of Bona. The service was performed in the most gallant way by Lieutenant Quin, first lieutenant of the _Naiad_, with her boats, he having pulled in under a tremendous fire from the fortress, boarded and blown up the brig. Sir Harry then appeared off the place with his squadron, and the dey, without the slightest resistance, yielded to all his demands.
Six years after this the French, landing a powerful army, captured the fortress by attacking it in the rear, and took possession of the country.
England had been at peace for nearly nine years, when the aggressions of the Burmese on the territories of the East India Company induced the Government to send an expedition into the Irrawaddy, a deep river which runs past Ava, the capital of the country, for several hundred miles into the sea, with many important places on its banks. British troops, under the command of Sir Archibald Campbell, and a small squadron, under the command of Commodore Grant in the _Liffey_, sailed for Rangoon. The other s.h.i.+ps were the _Larne_, Commander Frederick Marryat, the _Slaney_, of 20 guns, and _Sophie_, an 18-gun brig, four of the Company's cruisers, and a number of small craft to serve as gunboats.
Rangoon having been bombarded by the squadron, the troops landed, and drove the enemy, after some severe fighting, from their stockades. The English flotilla was actively engaged in capturing cargo-boats, which, being cut-down, served well for landing the troops. Captain Marryat, the celebrated novelist, on all occasions especially distinguished himself, showing that he could fight as well as write. Sickness, however, attacked both the seamen and soldiers. In a short time 749 of the latter had died, and thousands were in the hospital; while Commodore Grant and a large number of the seamen had also succ.u.mbed to disease.
Captain Marryat having been promoted into the _Tees_, happily for himself, left the expedition. Captain Chads now commanded the squadron, to which, at the recommendation of Captain Marryat, the _Diana_ steam-vessel had been added. Though she was unarmed--for at that time no one thought that steamers could carry guns--she was of great service during the hara.s.sing warfare in towing vessels and boats. Still the fever increased to an alarming degree, though some of the invalids when removed to places near the sea, and to floating hospitals, which were established at the mouth of the Rangoon river, recovered.
Though generally successful, the troops were repulsed in an attack upon the paG.o.da of Keykloo, with a loss of 21 officers and men killed, and 74 wounded, while 28, who had been made prisoners, were found fastened to the trunks of trees on the roadside, mangled and mutilated in the most horrible manner. Sir Archibald Campbell having determined to attack Rangoon, a flotilla of gun-vessels and a mortar-boat were sent up under Lieutenant Keele, the command of the land force being confided to Lieutenant-Colonel G.o.dwin. Lieutenant Keele and those under him behaved most gallantly, destroying thirty of the enemy's war-boats and opening a heavy fire on the stockades, while the troops stormed and carried the fortress. The Burmese were next driven from Kemerdine, a fortified village above Rangoon. Their war-boats gave considerable trouble, some of them being of large size and carrying a long 9-pounder apiece, with a crew of 76 oarsmen, besides warriors. A squadron of boats, however, captured a considerable number, sank others, and put the rest to flight.
The steamer _Diana_, on board which several carronades had been placed, with a party of small-arm men, did good service under the command of Lieutenant Kellet. The enemy, not aware of the rapidity of her movements, were overtaken, and upwards of forty of their boats were captured.
Early in 1825 Captain Alexander, of the 28-gun frigate _Alligator_, arrived out and took command; but he was shortly superseded by Sir James Brisbane--he, however, having to leave the station on account of ill-health, Captain Chads again took the command of the flotilla. The army advanced, and the little squadron pushed up the river; Donabew and Proom were taken, on each occasion the squadron acting an important part. Meaday was next captured, and before the close of the year the force reached Melloone, which also quickly fell. Still pressing forward, the army and squadron arrived at Yandaboo, forty-five miles only from Ava--the Burmese, whenever they were met, being completely defeated. For nearly a year the naval officers and their men were away from their s.h.i.+ps, rowing and tracking their boats by day against a rapid stream, and at night protected only by awnings, and often hard-pressed for provisions. For upwards of two months they were entirely dest.i.tute of fresh meat. Still, all behaved admirably. The defeat of his army, and the rapid approach of the British, at length induced the King of Ava to sue for peace; and Sir Archibald allowing him only ten hours to decide, he agreed to enter upon a commercial treaty upon the principles of reciprocal advantage, to send a minister to reside at Calcutta, to cede certain provinces conquered by the British, and to pay a million of money as an indemnity to the British, a large portion being immediately handed over. This was brought down the Irrawaddy, a distance of 600 miles, and conveyed to Calcutta by Captain Chads. The Companions.h.i.+p of the Bath was bestowed upon the leaders of the expedition, and all the lieutenants and pa.s.sed mids.h.i.+pmen were promoted--an acknowledgment of the admirable way in which they had performed their duties during the long and arduous service in which they had been engaged.
After a time the Burmese forgot the lesson they had received, and having frequently violated the treaty of 1826, it became necessary to bring them to order. An army of about 6000 men, under General G.o.dwin, who had taken a leading part in the previous operations, was sent out; while the commander-in-chief on the Indian station despatched a small squadron, under the command of Commodore Lambert, of the _Fox_, 40 guns, with the _Serpent, Rattler, Hermes_, and _Salamander_, to which the East India Company added 13 steamers. A naval brigade was formed, and served on sh.o.r.e, under Lieutenant D'Orville, first of the _Fox_. Most of the places which had before been taken had again to be attacked, and were captured much in the same way as before, though not without severe fighting. The squadron was further increased by the arrival of the _Winchester_, Captain Loch. Whereas before only one steamer belonged to the squadron, it now consisted of a number of well-armed steam-vessels, suited for the navigation of shallow waters. The boats belonging to the s.h.i.+ps co-operated on all occasions, while the troops were carried to their destinations by the steamers.
A most important expedition was sent up the river Irrawaddy under the command of Captain Tarleton, on board the _Medusa_. He had with him three Company's steamers. They proceeded to Konnoughee, a short distance below Proom, where a strong force, which appeared on sh.o.r.e, was put to flight by the thrown from the vessels. Higher up they found a Burmese army of 10,000 men a.s.sembled to guard the pa.s.sage to Proom and the capital. The river here divides into two channels, one of which the Burmese believed to be too shallow for the pa.s.sage of the steamers. Captain Tarleton, however, having ascertained that there was water enough for his vessels, pushed through it during the night, leaving the Burmese general and his army in the rear, and by daylight came off Proom. As there were no troops to defend the place, he carried off a number of heavy guns from a battery at the south end of the town.
The iron ones were sunk in deep water, and the bra.s.s taken on board, to the number of twenty-three. Captain Tarleton had been directed merely to explore the river, or within four days he might have appeared before Ava, and in all probability have captured the city. On his return he was attacked by a large flotilla of war-boats, forty or fifty of which he either captured or destroyed. In consequence of his report, a body of troops was sent up the river on board steamers to Proom, which was quickly captured. Several other expeditions were made up the river, most of them under the command of Captain Granville Loch. Unhappily, he led one on sh.o.r.e against a robber-chieftain, Mya-Toon, who with other chiefs of the same character, had been committing depredations in all directions. The party consisted of about 300 men of the 67th Bengal Native Infantry, 62 marines and 185 seamen, with 25 officers. Having landed at Donabew, they marched inland through a jungle till they reached the robber's fortress. Before it was an abattis of sharply-pointed bamboos, the road being so narrow that it was impossible to deploy the whole strength of the column. Concealed by their breast-works, the Burmese opened a murderous fire on the British force.