Part 10 (1/2)



One of the last acts of James was to send a fleet under the command of Lord Dartmouth to intercept that of William of Orange, which it was known was on the point of sailing. On board the Dutch fleet was Admiral Herbert, acting as commander-in-chief, though all the officers were Dutch. It was hoped that he would win over the English fleet. As it proved, both the officers and men of the navy were as ill-affected to James as were those of the army. Thus, as an old writer observes, ”that naval force which James had cultivated with so much care, and on which he depended so much, proved of no use--so difficult a thing is it to bring Englishmen to enslave England.”

The Dutch fleet consisted of about 50 men-of-war, 25 fire-s.h.i.+ps, and near 400 transports and victuallers and other vessels, carrying about 4000 horse and 10,000 foot. Admiral Herbert led the van of the fleet, Vice-Admiral Evertzen brought up the rear, and the prince himself was in the centre, carrying a flag with English colours, and their highnesses'

arms surrounded with this motto, ”The Protestant Religion and the Liberties of England,” and underneath the motto of the House of Na.s.sau, ”Je Maintiendrai,” ”I will maintain.”

After being driven back by a storm, the fleet came to an anchor in Torbay on the 4th of November. The prince wished to land that day, it being the one on which he was born and married, and he fancied that it would look auspicious to the army, and animate the soldiers, but the general wish was that he should not land till the following, being Gunpowder Treason day, that their landing on that day might have a good effect on the minds of the English. No sooner had the Dutch fleet got into harbour than a heavy storm sprang up from the westward, which compelled the English fleet to run into Portsmouth, from which they could not again issue till William had won the day. When Lord Dartmouth was able to leave the port he conducted the fleet to the Downs, and there holding council of war, it was resolved--first, to dismiss from their commands all such officers as were known to be papists, and then to send up an address to his highness setting forth their steady affection to the Protestant religion, and their sincere concern for the safety, freedom, and honour of their country.

Not long after this the s.h.i.+ps were dispersed, some to the dockyards to be dismantled and laid up, others to be cleaned and repaired, and such as were in the best condition for sea were appointed for necessary services. The first service in which Admiral Herbert was employed was to endeavour to intercept the French fleet which had sailed for Ireland to support the landing of King James. On the 1st of May, 1689, the English admiral discovered the enemy's s.h.i.+ps at anchor in Bantry Bay; when the French stood out to sea in a well-formed line of battle to meet him. After a warm engagement of some hours the two fleets separated, when the French, claiming the victory, retired into Bantry Bay, and the English towards Scilly. After waiting for reinforcements in the chops of the channel, none arriving, Admiral Herbert returned to Portsmouth.

Notwithstanding his ill-success, the king, in grat.i.tude for the services he had before rendered him, created him Earl of Torrington, while Captains John Ashby, and Cloudesly Shovel were knighted. In 1690 Sir Cloudesly Shovel commanded a squadron of six men-of-war, which escorted the fleet of transports conveying King William's forces to Carrickfergus, in Ireland. The Earl of Torrington, when in command of the combined English and Dutch squadrons in the channel, on the 30th of June, fell in with the French fleet commanded by the Count de Tourville between Cherbourg and the Isle of Wight. The combined fleets amounted to 56 s.h.i.+ps only, while the French possessed 78 men-of-war and 22 fire-s.h.i.+ps. The Dutch and Blue Squadrons being surrounded by the French, after making a gallant defence, were rescued by the Earl of Torrington. After this, finding that no impression could be made on the French fleet, it was decided in a council of war that it would be wiser to destroy the disabled s.h.i.+ps than, by protecting them, hazard an engagement. The _Anne_, of 70 guns, which was dismasted, was forced on sh.o.r.e and destroyed. The enemy also attempted to destroy a Dutch 64 which was driven on sh.o.r.e, but her commander defended her with so much bravery, that he compelled the French to desist, and she, being got off, arrived safe in Holland. The earl then retreated into the Thames, leaving a few frigates to observe and watch the motions of the enemy, who remained masters of the channel. In consequence of his conduct, the earl was brought to a court-martial, but having ably defended himself, he was unanimously acquitted. The king, notwithstanding, to appease the clamours of the nation and the Dutch, took away his commission.

He was succeeded in the command of the fleet by Admiral Russell, who, greatly owing to the energetic proceedings of Queen Mary, while the king was absent in Ireland, had, by May, 1691, a squadron of considerable force, equipped and ready for sea, at his disposal. So elevated were the French at their unusual success, that they had the following inscription engraved on the stern of a new first-rate s.h.i.+p of war named the _Saint Louis_:--

”I, on the ocean, am the mightiest thing, As on the land, is my all-potent king.”

English men-of-war were ere long, however, to teach them to sing a different note. A fleet of ninety-nine sail, including the Dutch s.h.i.+ps, was got ready by May, 1692. The English fleet was divided into two squadrons, the Red and the Blue. Among the s.h.i.+ps we find the names of many which have become famous in naval history. There were six s.h.i.+ps of 100 guns each. In the Red Squadron there was the _Britannia_, carrying the flag of Admiral Russell; the _Royal Sovereign_, that of Vice-Admiral Sir Ralph Delaval; the _London_, that of the rear-admiral, Sir Cloudesly Shovel; the _Sandwich_, of 90 guns; the _Swiftsure, Hampton Court, Eagle_, and _Captain_; of 70; the _Ruby, Oxford_, and _Centurion_, of 50. In the Blue Squadron there were the _Victory_, of 100 guns, with the flag of Admiral Sir John Ashby; the _Windsor Castle_, with that of Vice-Admiral Sir George Rooke; the _Neptune_, of 96 guns; the _Albemarle_ and _Vanguard_, of 90 guns; the _Royal Oak_, of 74; the _Northumberland, Berwick, Warspight, Monmouth_, and _Edgar_, of 70; the _Lion_ and _Dreadnought_, of 60--names long known in the British Navy.

Altogether, the English fleet carried 4504 guns, and 27,725 men. The Dutch fleet carried rather more than half the number of guns, and less than half the number of men. No more powerful fleet had ever yet ploughed the ocean--it was, probably, immeasurably more so than that which encountered the Spanish Armada; while the commanders were as expert and daring as their predecessors, the seamen were infinitely better trained.

The combined fleet sailed from Spithead on the 18th of May, and stood across to the coast of France. The _Chester_ and _Charles_ galleys, being sent ahead, just at dawn on the 19th, Cape Barfleur bearing south-west by south, distant about seven leagues, made the signal of the French fleet being in sight, by firing some guns. Admiral Russell thereon ordered his fleet to form a line of battle, and directed the rear to attack, so that, should the French stand to the northward, they might the sooner come up and engage. As the sun rose above the ocean on that May morning, soon after four o'clock, the enemy were seen standing southward, forming their line on the same tack as that of the allied squadrons. The French admiral, De Tourville, who had till now supposed that he was about to meet only a portion of the English fleet, nevertheless considering that their hasty retreat would cause a confusion which might prove more hazardous than the battle itself, continued his orders for the engagement, and bore down on the allies.

Admiral Russell on seeing this, annulled the signal for the rear to attack, and bore away to join the leeward-most s.h.i.+ps, and formed a line ahead in close order of sailing. The French advanced till within musket-shot of the English line, when, hauling up to windward, the _Soleil Royal_, at 11:30 a.m., opened fire upon the _Britannia_. De Tourville's object was to cut through the English line, but in consequence of the light breeze having dwindled to a calm, in bearing up as he did the French admiral lost his advantage. The _Soleil Royal_ and the _Britannia_ thus lay for an hour and a quarter about three-quarter's musket-shot of each other, the English plying their guns so warmly, that the Frenchman was in that time dreadfully cut up in his rigging, sails, and yards; it being evident, also, that he had lost a great many men, for no effort was being made to repair damages. So actively did the English gunners work their pieces, that it was reckoned that during the whole fight they fired at least three broadsides while the French fired two. Captains Churchill and Aylmer who had come up to a.s.sist the admiral, had six of the enemy's largest s.h.i.+ps to deal with; while Sir Cloudesly Shovel, who had got to windward, briskly plied the Count de Tourville's squadron. As the day advanced, however, a dense fog came on, so that in a short time not a s.h.i.+p of the enemy could be seen, and the English, for fear of injuring their friends, ceased firing. The s.h.i.+ps which had not yet got into action on account of the calm, had their boats ahead, and used their utmost endeavours to tow them into the fight. The English fire-s.h.i.+ps had, however, been put to good use, having burnt four of the enemy's s.h.i.+ps. The killed and wounded were already numerous; the _Eagle_ alone having 70 men killed and 150 wounded. Among the former were Rear-Admiral Carter, and Captain Hastings of the _Sandwich_.

Night coming on, the darkness, increased by the thick fog, put an end to the fight for that day. On the morning of the 10th a portion of the French fleet was discovered, when, the wind springing up, a general chase was ordered. This continued till 4 p.m., when, the wind s.h.i.+fting to the southward, and the ebb ceasing, both fleets anch.o.r.ed and furled sails.

On the 21st the fleet anch.o.r.ed near the Race of Alderney, Cape La Hogue, bearing about south. Twenty-three of the French s.h.i.+ps had anch.o.r.ed still nearer the Race, and fifteen others about three leagues to the westward. The flood-tide setting in strong, a number of the French s.h.i.+ps were observed to be driving; on this Admiral Russell threw out a signal to Vice-Admiral Delaval to stand insh.o.r.e and destroy them. On following out his directions, he found the _Soleil Royal_ and two others aground, close to the beach. Finding, however, that his s.h.i.+ps drew too much water, he sent in three fire-s.h.i.+ps, embarking in one of them himself. He succeeded in burning two of the three-deckers, but another fire-s.h.i.+p was sunk by the enemy's shot. The _Saint Albans_ and _Ruby_ standing in, now attacked a third French s.h.i.+p, when Vice-Admiral Delaval, observing that her crew had deserted their guns, boarded. On finding dead and wounded men alone on her decks, he ordered the latter to be removed, and then set the s.h.i.+p on fire.

One of the fire-s.h.i.+ps, commanded by Captain Fowlis, who was conducting her against the _Soleil Royal_, was set on fire by her shot, though he and his crew escaped. Captain Heath, however, succeeded in burning her with another fire-s.h.i.+p, in the most gallant manner. The _Conquirant_ was burnt by Captain Greenaway, and the _Admirable_ by the boats. The greater number of the enemy's s.h.i.+ps had run in for shelter close to the sh.o.r.e. Accordingly, on the 23rd of May, Admiral Russell despatched Vice-Admiral Rooke with a squadron of men-of-war, frigates, and fire-s.h.i.+ps, and the boats of the fleet, to destroy those s.h.i.+ps. It was found, however, that the small frigates alone could advance near enough to effect anything. The boats, however, gallantly led by Rooke, pulled in at night and destroyed seven of them, and the next morning, again pulling in, burnt eight, with several transports and ammunition vessels.

Several of the s.h.i.+ps were first boarded, and the French, with their own guns, driven from their platforms and batteries on sh.o.r.e; and this was done in sight of the French and Irish camps, which lay ready to invade England. Altogether, sixteen sail of the line and numerous transports were destroyed. The victory was complete, and the annihilation of the French fleet entirely dissipating the hopes of James, its effect contributed greatly to place William the Third on his throne.

Vice-Admiral Rooke, who became one of England's greatest admirals, was knighted for his gallantry on this occasion.

While some of the s.h.i.+ps returned to Spithead, a considerable portion were stationed in different parts of the channel to watch the French fleet, and to prevent them making their way either to the eastward or westward.

Among the gallant men who have contributed to the naval glory of England, the name of John Benbow must ever be had in remembrance. His father, Colonel Benbow, was one of those true-hearted cavaliers who fought bravely for their king to the last, and having seen one of his brothers shot by the Parliamentary forces, he made his escape, till an amnesty being granted, he was able to return and live in private in England. His fortune having been expended, he was glad to accept a small office belonging to the Ordnance, in the Tower. On the breaking out of the first Dutch war, the king came to examine the magazines.

Charles, whose memory was as quick as his eye, recognised the veteran, who had for twenty years been distinguished by a fine head of grey hair.

”My old friend, Colonel Benbow,” said he, ”what do you here?”

”I have,” returned the colonel, ”a place of 80 pounds a-year, in which I serve your majesty as cheerfully as if it brought me in 4000 pounds a-year.”

”Alas!” said the king, ”is that all that could be found for an old friend of Worcester? Colonel Legge, bring this gentleman to me to-morrow, and I will provide for him and his family as it becomes me.”

Short as the time was, the colonel did not live to claim the royal promise; for, overcome by the king's unexpected grat.i.tude, sitting down on a bench, he there breathed his last before his majesty was well out of the tower. Whatever might have been the king's intentions, he thought no more of the old cavalier's family, and the colonel's son, John, went to sea in a merchant-vessel, and shortly became owner and commander of a s.h.i.+p, called the _Benbow_ frigate. No man was better known or more respected by the merchants upon the Exchange. The following anecdote shows his character, and is in accordance with the spirit of the times in which he lived. In the year 1688 he was, while in command of the _Benbow_ frigate, attacked on his pa.s.sage to Cadiz by a Sallee rover of far superior force, against which he defended himself with the utmost bravery. At last the Moors boarded him, but were quickly beaten out of his s.h.i.+p again with the loss of thirteen men, whose heads Captain Benbow ordered to be taken off, and thrown into a tub of pork pickle. On reaching Cadiz he went on sh.o.r.e, ordering a negro servant to follow him with the Moors' heads in a sack. Scarcely had he landed when the officers of the revenue inquired of the servant what he had in his sack. The captain answered, ”Salt provisions for his own use.”

”That may be,” answered the officers, ”but we must insist upon seeing them.” Captain Benbow said that he was no stranger there, that he was not accustomed to run goods, and pretended to take it very ill that he was thus suspected. The officers told him that the magistrates were sitting not far off, and if they were satisfied, the servant might carry the provisions where he pleased. The captain consented to the proposal, and away they marched to the custom-house. The magistrates, when he came before them, treated Captain Benbow with great civility, telling him that they were sorry to make a point of such a trifle, but that since he refused to show the contents of his sack to their officers, they were compelled to demand a sight of them.

”I told you,” said the captain, sternly, ”they were salt provisions for my own use. Ca.s.sar, throw them down upon the table; and, gentlemen, if you like them, they are at your service.”

The Spaniards were much struck at the sight of the Moors' heads, and no less so at the account the captain gave them of his engagement, and defeat of so large a force of barbarians. They sent an account of the whole matter to the court at Madrid, and the King of Spain was so much pleased with it, that he requested to see the English captain, who made a journey to court, where he was received with much respect, and not only dismissed with a handsome present, but the king was to write a letter on his behalf to King James, who, upon his return, gave him a s.h.i.+p, which was his introduction to the Royal Navy.

He had always been looked upon as a bold, brave, and active commander, and one who, though he maintained strict discipline, took care of, and was therefore cheerfully obeyed by, his seamen. He maintained the same character in the Royal Navy, and was ever beloved and honoured by his s.h.i.+ps' companies. As the channel was much infested by French privateers, a large number of which were fitted out at Saint Malo, it had been considered advisable to destroy that town and the vessels within its harbour. Captain Benbow, with a squadron of twelve s.h.i.+ps of the line, four bomb-galliots, ten or twelve frigates, and several sloops, having crossed the channel, entered the harbour and came to an anchor within half-a-mile of the town. The s.h.i.+ps then opened fire, and continued battering away at the place till four in the morning, when they were compelled to come out to prevent grounding. Two successive days they continued doing the same, firing seventy bombs one day, but with frequent intermissions, inducing the inhabitants to believe that they were about to retire. The captain had, however, prepared a fire-s.h.i.+p, with which it was intended to have reduced the town to ashes.

This vessel was a new galliot, of about 300 tons. In the bottom of the hold were placed above a hundred barrels of powder, covered with pitch, tar, resin, brimstone, and f.a.ggots. Over this was a row of thick planks or beams, with holes pierced through them in order to communicate the fire from above, and upon them were placed 340 carcases filled with grenadoes, cannon-b.a.l.l.s, iron chains, firearms loaded with ball, large pieces of metal wrapped up in tarpaulins, and other combustible matters.